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快手、抖音、B 站兴起,让 VLog(视频博客)在国内迅速崛起,从而取代统治互联网十多年的图文记录(生活)方式(Blog),成为了当下最潮流的玩法。在人人都是 Vlogger 的大潮下,越来越多的人开始尝试学习拍摄视频并剪辑成 Vlog。对于很多想要尝试自拍自剪的新手来说,怎么起步拍摄自己的第一条 Vlog 呢?下面我们就来看看...
Another way to get free data is by migrating to the Glo Berekete 10X tariff plan. Once you migrate to the tariff plan, recharge your sim with ₦100 or above. Recharging ₦100 or above can get you 200MB to 5GB of free data. You are eligible for the free data for up to 6 month...
Want to earn money while on a road trip? Get paid to drive a cars across the country with these 11 top ideas for earning while driving.
Dance, Comedy, Vlog, Food, Sports, DIY, Animals, and everything in between. Discover fans music videos from endless categories. If you want to become popular on miusicli(now called TickTock), you need to get crazy fans firstly on j tok. get Followers and Likes totally free j, with this...
Paid campaigns should be your last resort because you want to use your money to improve your videos. But the reality is that sometimes you’ll need all the help you can get. If you have money to spare, run a video ad campaign to get people to notice your channel and content. ...
Here are the eight ways that I get paid to travel, and make enough money to travel around world full time… How I Get Paid to Travel: 8 Ways I Make Money 1. Blog Advertisements & Sponsors It wasn’t my goal, or even within my knowledge, when I started Tourist2Townie.com in 2009 ...
This post explains how tobecome an Amazon Products Tester in 3 super easy ways. If you love sharing your opinion about the products you purchase on Amazon,Product Testingcan be a good side hustle. You can test products for Amazon from home and get paid along with the products for free!
I think we have talked enough about the Robux earning ways related to the membership, now let’s get back to know the ways that give Free Robux without paying real money. 5. Try Trusted Get-paid-to Sites If you are down to sacrifice your time for Robux, then get-paid-to sites like...
Those are excellent questions. In short, there are tons of thumbnail creating software you can use both free and paid. The easiest is probably Canva (which has a free version) and will let you create thumbnails to the size you need for YouTube videos. Regarding your second question: YES,...