SoundEffect SoundPool SoundPool.Builder SoundPool.IOnLoadCompleteListener SoundPool.LoadCompleteEventArgs Spatializer Spatializer.HeadTrackerAvailableEventArgs Spatializer.IOnHeadTrackerAvailableListener Spatializer.IOnSpatializerStateChangedListener Spatializer.SpatializerAvailableChangedEventArgs Spatializer.SpatializerEnabledChanged...
GetVolumeGroupIdForAttributes IsOffloadedPlaybackSupported IsStreamMute IsSurroundFormatEnabled IsVolumeGroupMuted LoadSoundEffects LoadSoundEffectsAsync PlaySoundEffect RegisterAudioDeviceCallback RegisterAudioPlaybackCallback RegisterAudioRecordingCallback RegisterMediaButtonEventReceiver RegisterRemoteControlClient Regist...
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setMinigunTriggerTimeOut(Math.max(10, getMinigunSoundCounter()));if(getMinigunSpeed() == MAX_GUN_SPEED && (!requiresTarget || gunAimedAtTarget)) {if(!requiresTarget) target = raytraceTarget(); lastShotOfAmmo = ammo.attemptDamageItem(1, rand, playerinstanceofEntityPlayerMP ? (EntityPlayer...
开发者ID:bsbae402,项目名称:McKillasGorilla_repo,代码行数:35,代码来源:GameAudio.cpp 示例4: processPunchSound ▲点赞 1▼ voidGameAudio::processPunchSound() {if(soundEffectRegistrationMap[ENUM_SOUND_EFFECT_PUNCH] ==true) { Game *game = Game::getSingleton(); ...
FadeOut GetDSP GetPitch GetSoundLevel GetVolume IsPlaying Play PlayEx SetDSP SetSoundLevel Stop CTakeDamageInfo AddDamage GetAmmoType GetAttacker GetBaseDamage GetDamage GetDamageBonus GetDamageCustom GetDamageForce GetDamagePosition GetDamageType GetInflictor GetMaxDam...
ScaleOutInstances ScaleInInstances DescribeAutoScalingGroups DescribeAutoScalingInstances DescribeAutoScalingAdvices ModifyAutoScalingGroup Launch Configuration APIs ModifyLaunchConfigurationAttributes DescribeLaunchConfigurations DeleteLaunchConfiguration CreateLaunchConfiguration UpgradeLaunchConfiguration ClearLaunchConfigurationAtt...
Check out the trailer video below to hear some of the included sound effects. You can also download the free collection of 50 cinematic sound effects sourced from Flame Sound’s flagship Inferno SFX and Firestarter SFX sound packs. And if you want to upgrade to the full set, now is the ...
Similar to the above, they instead detonate into sound. Can be used to pass on short messages, as they do little to no damage; they can only disorient at worst. The messages come out in a strange, high pitched voice, which Kichōna enjoys. Uses a small amount of clay and chakra. >...
Sound can be used as a weapon.Imagine that a police officer is chasing a thief.The thief tries to escape.And the officer can't let him get away.He pulls out a special device,points it at the suspect,and switches it on.The thief drops to the ground.This new weapon i...