public class Test : MonoBehaviour { public Button btn; public Button btn2; public Image ImageView; AndroidJavaObject jo; public string UntreatedBase64; private void Awake() { /* * 提示:该行代码过长,系统自动注释不进行高亮。一键会移除系统注释 * UntreatedBase64 = "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/...
sorta. Lost everythin', now wanderin' with not a penny to her name, tryna make it big. I get it! But she gotta relax. Bein' a big meanie ol' witchie won't bring you more friends, and trust me pal, I am not goin' to jail cuz of ya! But I am goin' to jail if somebody ...
Always maintain a backup of your photos so that you don't end up losing them out of the blue. Don't use any unreliable third-party viewer or picture editor on your phone that you can't trust. Avoid rooting/jailbreaking your device as it can make it vulnerable to threats. Don't conne...
Take a look at some gun laws across the country.Strict states like New Yorkand California have minimum sentences that include jail time. Less strict states like Texas and Alaska can hit you with massive fines. Learn the rules in your state, but don’t stop there. via GIPHY Rules of the ...
3 3 ->If you have a Jail Break you want added to this rentry just tell me and I'll add it here.<- 4 4 5 - ->==(updated 2023-11-03)==<- 5 + ->==(updated 2023-11-04)==<- 6 6 *** 7 7 [TOC2] 8 8 *** 9 9 ###Both 10 10
This isn't just a city ordinance; it's astate law, carrying hefty fines and possible jail time. It was fascinating to discover that every third grader who visits Safety City is taught these crucial pedestrian and bicycle laws. It's a lesson in safety that starts early—and one that can...
I’m not fond of jailbreaking my phone and have yet to do so, but at this point — 2 years later and way past warranty coverage — I’m much more open to the idea. You know those fine, interweaving lines you see on currency notes and other official documents? YouWorkForThem’s ...
By @JailJT_MBlog”。虽然只是基础语法为主。不过这款应用能首先切入移动端教授 Swift 编程知识,还是很有意义的项目。 diwu/LeetCode-Solutions-in-Swift:LeetCode 的 Swift 语言版解题方案。需要面试人的同学可以收录,被面试的同学则要补补功课了。P.S. 虽然相对于 LeetCode 题库完成比例还不高,不过,正好可以...