British Slang. something earned, as salary, profits, etc.: What's your week's get? a child born out of wedlock. verb phrase to escape; flee: He tried to get away, but the crowd was too dense. to start out; leave: The racehorses got away from the starting gate. to succeed, as...
(第13集) 1.straight up 完全正确 (is a slang phrase meaning "absolutely"or "correct") 2. You could do better! 你可以找到更好的。 3. Would you stop feeding her perfectionism? You did the same thing with Larry. feed 助长 perfectionism 完美主义例句:You have to feed your dreams.(你要让...
Used in the past tense with the meaning of the present: They got to clean up this mess. v. intr. 1. a. To become or grow to be: eventually got well. b. To be successful in coming or going: When will we get to Dallas? 2. To be able or permitted: never got to see ...
British Slang. something earned, as salary, profits, etc.: What's your week's get? a child born out of wedlock. verb phrase to escape; flee: He tried to get away, but the crowd was too dense. to start out; leave: The racehorses got away from the starting gate. ...
Get out of here! – 滚出去! 再比如,在讲一些讲失恋的场景中就会出现这样的表达: Get over somebody / something - 放下、忘记某人或某事 Photo credit to 再补充几个固定搭配: Get down to business – 言归正传,或者回归本源(也就是“回归到脚踏实地的状态”) Get together – 振作起来...
get out: to leave (often fol. byof ):Get out of here! We had to get out of the bus at San Antonio. to become publicly known:We mustn't let this story get out. to withdraw or retire (often fol. byof ):He decided to get out of the dry goods business. ...
get bitch-slapped To link to this term in a wiki such as Wikipedia, insert the following. [ get bitch-slapped] Some wikis use a different format for links, so be sure to check the documentation....
get a kick out of [sth/sb] v expr slang (enjoy, take pleasure in)因…激动;刺激;痛快She gets a kick out of watching talking animal videos. get a leg up v expr figurative, informal (gain an advantage)获得优势 Get a life! interj (expressing contempt) (表示轻蔑、蔑视)找点别的事情做吧...
8. To perceive and recognize the meaning of: accept, apprehend, catch (on), compass, comprehend, conceive, fathom, follow, grasp, make out, read, see, sense, take, take in, understand. Informal: savvy. Slang: dig. Chiefly British: twig. Scots: ken. Idioms: get a handle on, get the...
Slang terms with the same meaning None found. Slang terms with the same root words Other terms relating to 'get': as all get-out Definitions include: very; really; extremely. bend over and get screwed Definitions include: a phrase of one is about to be in trouble big-time or something ...