Cross In/Cross Out入镜、出镜 指演员自画面的一边进场或朝画面的一边出场。 Cross-Cut交叉剪接 由一个动作线切到另一个。 Cue提示讯号 一个被指定的讯号、动作、手势,或是一句台词,用来提示演员或技术人员作某一动作的准备。 写有台词对白的大型厚纸板。 Cult Movie次文化电影 吸引某一个社会圈子的人,并标榜...
film, Get Out “opens with a familiar horror-movie trope”(Hoberman, 2017), it uses a scene that black man was kidnapped to lay the foundation of the horror and announce the fact that it is a horror movie. The first act of the film takes place in a gloomy and quiet suburban residenti...
wave/out (Windows) What's New in Server Core (Windows) IConsole2::UpdateAllViews method (Windows) MSFT_NetConSecRule class (Windows) Interactivity (Windows) Windows Server 2012 R2 and Windows Server 2012 Configuration Options (Windows) L (Windows) U (Windows) Glossary (Windows) General Programmi...
wave/in/out (Windows) Server Core Roles (Windows) Win32_MoveFileAction class (Windows) Gradients and patterns (Windows) IMsRdpInputSink::BeginTouchFrame method (Windows) C-C++ Code Example: Checking Transaction Boundaries SetStorageEnclosure method of the MSCluster_StorageEnclosure class (Preliminary...
175. Time is running out. 没时间了。 176. We are good friends. 我们是好朋友。 177. What‘s your trouble? 你哪儿不舒服? 178. You did fairly well! 你干得相当不错1 179. Clothes make the man. 人要衣装。 180. Did you miss...
Get Out's opening sceneis a haunting one that shows the abduction of a Black man by a figure wearing a helmet who is later revealed to be Jeremy. However, the helmet itself also carries some significance. As Jordan Peele explains on the movie's director commentary, the costume choice is ...
That would be fine with me, but I don’t mind the prelude. It sets the table well but doesn’t feel intrusive or out of place. Once we meet Chris and Rose,Get Outtraces a natural, involving path that manages to develop its characters and situations well. Like a good horror movie, ...
dollars debut weekend in North American, opening the summer movie season officially. Iran fails to reach final of FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Iran lost to Tahiti on penalty shootout and failed to book a place in the FIFA Beach Soccer World Cup Bahamas 2017, Tasnim news agency reported on ...
3. To be suitable for theatrical performance: This scene acts well. 4. To behave affectedly or unnaturally; pretend. 5. To appear or seem to be: The dog acted ferocious. 6. To carry out an action: We acted immediately. The governor has not yet acted on the bill. 7. To operate or...
Margaret Brennan: When people hear the term special operators, they think of some out of the movie action scene. Is that what we should be picturing here in north Gaza? Alex Plitsas: People have seen too many movies. They're thinking, you know, you're gonna see GI Joe show up in a...