9. get through the examinations = pass the exam 通过考试 10.get into the room through the window 从窗户进入房间 11.get longer and longer 天变得越来越长 12.get dark 天黑 13.get some letters from my friends 收到朋友的来信 14.get the news 得到消息 15.get to the station 到达车站 16....
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Top Opinions Saturday Our Top Opinions newsletter brings the week's best editorials, commentary, letters and editorial cartoons together in one spot, sent Saturday mornings. You might agree, or you might not, but these thoughtfully argued and entertaining opinions will keep you coming back for ...
Top Opinions Saturday Our Top Opinions newsletter brings the week's best editorials, commentary, letters and editorial cartoons together in one spot, sent Saturday mornings. You might agree, or you might not, but these thoughtfully argued and entertaining opinions will keep you coming back for ...
writing query letters and book proposals, contracts, publicity, and how to quit your job and write full time are all areas McKean dives into. There is free content, but for $5/month or $50/year, paid subscribers receive an additional weekly newsletter with Q&As they can submit questions to...
1. To leave or escape: Our canary got out. 2. To become known: Somehow the secret got out. 3. To publish, as a newspaper. get over 1. To get across: got over the ditch. 2. To recover from: finally got over the divorce. get through 1. To finish or assist in finishing: ...
Top Opinions Saturday Our Top Opinions newsletter brings the week's best editorials, commentary, letters and editorial cartoons together in one spot, sent Saturday mornings. You might agree, or you might not, but these thoughtfully argued and entertaining opinions will keep you coming back for ...
Top Opinions Saturday Our Top Opinions newsletter brings the week's best editorials, commentary, letters and editorial cartoons together in one spot, sent Saturday mornings. You might agree, or you might not, but these thoughtfully argued and entertaining opinions will keep you coming back for ...