get one's goat 故意为难;惹某人发火;使人发怒或厌恶 英英解释: To make someone annoyed or angry. This expression comes from a tradi get one's knife into 拿某人开刀,跟某人过不去 get one's troop v. 晋升为上尉 get one's wish 达到自己的愿望,如愿以偿 get to one's feet 站起来 相似...
他不明白get one's kicks的意思.(1)kicks原为爵士乐用语,後又转作吸毒用语,一般意思则为「快乐和满足」,例如:The music gave me my kicks.该音乐给我快乐和满足.(2)有时又用a kick,例如:The movie really gives me a kick.I love it!此电影太令人激动了,我非常喜欢!(3)还可解作烈酒对人的「刺激」...
get one’s cookies (或jollies, kicks) 用作动词的意思:作乐,玩个痛快,纵情亨乐 用法及例句:T... 338 次阅读分类于:美国俚语 俚语get one’s cheese的意思解释和用法例句 get one’s cheese (美国俚语)达到目的,如愿以偿 用法及例句:Mr Smith has taken Miss Robinso... ...
430 次阅读 cookies-G-get-jollies-kicks-one
He’s really mad at you.(你最好去问问她本人,因为她生你的气了。) If we’re lost, don’t get mad at me! You’re the one who forgot the map!(如果我走错了,你可不要发火,没带地图的是你。) 4.what’ up (1)打招呼(2)出什么事情了(第18集) 1.make a difference 改观 (更有起色,...
get one's kicks from以...为乐 work more and get more多劳多得 相似单词 spend more than earnn. 负翁 负翁这个词来自香港。1997年亚洲金融危机发生,给香港的经济带来巨大的灾难性后果,经济长期不景气,失业率高居不下,房产跳楼,股票套牢。直到2007年才会恢复到1997年危机前的水平 ...
get on 英文get on 中文生活, 融洽相处, 进展, 穿上, 上去, 使前进 接口调用|联系我们
get more kicks get next to sb get next to sb get no change get nowhere get off get off by the get off the gr get off the ma get off with s get off with t get on get on for get on in life get on like a get on sb's ne get on sb.'s n get on top of get on with....