in a very idiotic scene of couples exercising outdoors with a New Age yoga instructor who has everybody blindfolded in a "Tranquility Zen" exercise. Apparently the blindfolds also affect one's hearing, as Danny Mountain mounts Chechik and noisily humps her, with no one noticing. Marcus London...
const store = new Vuex.Store({ state,//state: state 简写 mutations: mutations,//属性的简写是 mutations getters:getterfl, actions:actionfl, }) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2.8 对外暴露 export default store; 1. 2.9 在需要用的地方引入 import store from '../vuex/store.js' 1. 2.10 注册store...
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from youtubesearchpython import Hashtag hashtag = Hashtag('ncs', limit = 1) print(hashtag.result())Example Result { "result": [ { "type": "video", "id": "c9FF4Tfj2w8", "title": "Ascence - About You [NCS 1 HOUR]", "publishedTime": "1 year ago", "duration": "1:00:00...
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Get Flirty!The article focuses on the comments of several actresses like Jennifer Stone, Maiara Walsh, and Gage Golightly, on attracting a boy.Girls Life
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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]At the end of the day golf is supposed to be fun and our goal is to get you spendingless time on the practice tee and more time out on the course enjoying your new game! And so that is what this 3rd bonus video is all about.Pra...
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