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BEIJING, Jan. 24 (Xinhua) -- China and the United States should find the right way to get along in the new era, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said in a phone conversation with U.S. Secretary of State Marco Rubio held at the latter's request on Friday.Wang, also a member of the...
{ "name": "sitef6141.scm.azurewebsites.net", "sslState": "Disabled", "hostType": "Repository" } ], "serverFarmId": "/subscriptions/34adfa4f-cedf-4dc0-ba29-b6d1a69ab345/resourceGroups/testrg123/providers/Microsoft.Web/serverfarms/DefaultAsp", "reserved": false, "isXenon": false, ...
public String provisioningState() Get the provisioningState property: The status of the Cosmos DB account at the time the operation was called. The status can be one of following. 'Creating' \u2013 the Cosmos DB account is being created. When an account is in Creating state, on...
If you are forming a legal entity (LLC, partnership, corporation or tax exempt organization),form your entity through your statebeforeyou apply for an EIN. If you don’t form your entity with your state first, your EIN application may be delayed. ...
{ "provisionVMAgent": true, "enableAutomaticUpdates": false }, "secrets": [] }, "networkProfile": { "networkInterfaces": [ { "id": "/subscriptions/{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/myResourceGroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/networkInterfaces/{myNIC}" } ] }, "provisioningState": "Succeeded...
SELECTrow_group_id,cast(deleted_rowsasfloat)/cast(total_rowsasfloat)*100as[% fragmented], created_timeFROMsys. dm_db_column_store_row_group_physical_statsWHEREobject_id = object_id('FactOnlineSales2')ANDstate_desc='COMPRESSED'ANDdeleted_rows>0ANDcreated_time >GETDATE() -7ORDERBYcreated_tim...
Header KeyHeader Value (example) App-ID 123456 API-Version 3.0 App-Token stage_MzBfNzM2ZmEwYTItZmQ1My00MYg1LEEwYmMtYzE2MmMzNDIyZDIz Content-Type application/jsonPOST calls to the /payments and /refunds endpoints require "Unique-Key". The value for Unique-Key is defined by you, and we ...
I.重点词汇1.state n.状态,状况;情形;国家,州v.说明,陈述agood/bad state状况好/差in a state.处于……的状态geta state处于/陷于……(紧张、焦虑、兴奋)之中state sth. /that从句/wh-从句陈述/说明……It is /was stated that..据称…China used to be in a state of war for many years.中国曾...
{ "changeType": "created,updated,deleted", "notificationUrl": "https://webhook.azurewebsites.net/api/send/myNotifyClient", "resource": "users('1273a016-201d-4f95-8083-1b7f99b3edeb')/events", "expirationDateTime": "2022-05-05T14:58:56.7951795+00:00", "clientState": "ClientSecret", ...