When you get the card, an attached sticker will direct you to a phone number or website to confirm receipt and activate the card. After doing so, you can remove the sticker and begin using the card. If the card has a signature strip, affix your John Hancock proudly. Store the accompany...
They can all be found in the Texas Public Law Statutes under the Texas State Transportation Codes. The old saying I keep hearing when I'm around my police officer friends: "Ignorance of the law is no excuse." You know they've got a point there....
If the salesperson tells you the dealer can't take anything less than the sticker price, be ready to walk away. At this point, two things can happen: The salesperson will suddenly suggest that the two of you might be able to talk about price after all, or they will shake your hand an...
If the salesperson tells you the dealer can't take anything less than the sticker price, be ready to walk away. At this point, two things can happen: The salesperson will suddenly suggest that the two of you might be able to talk about price after all, or they will shake your hand an...
which attests that you have been medically determined to be eligible to receive vocational rehabilitation agency benefits or services as a result of medically determined blindness or permanent disability. Showing a State motor vehicle department disability sticker, license plate or hang tag is not accep...
But what else? Here's where your bargaining skills come into play. Simply accepting the dealer’s sticker price as the lowest price possible is a good way to give yourself a case of buyer's remorse. Remember, a used car has been on the road and has already lost some of itsvalue. ...