In some cases, a permanent life insurance policy, such as whole life, might provide the emergency cash you need. However, borrowing or withdrawing money from your policy could increase your tax burden and incur loan interest charges, and you risk leaving your family with less money than you...
Some unscrupulous insurance agents will find a policy that is no longer affordable but has a value in a life settlement. This money is then used to purchase a new life insurance policy that, based on projections, is more affordable. This practice may generate great commissions for the agen...
Depending on your personal financial situation and goals, a $1 million life insurance policy may make sense.
For more than 20 years, the founders of Asset Life Settlements have been forming trusted relationships with financial professionals whose senior clients are seeking to sell their unwanted life insurance policy coverage for the highest possible value. With more than 50 years of combined expertise in t...
Welcome to the future. This is the way to go about getting the best price on life insurance. We hope this helps save you some money and gives your family the financial security they need until you get closer to your FI number.
Smart Money: Term life insurance is best, but shop around; Policies do get more expensive, but the need for them diminishesBruce Williams
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Life insurance is simple. You make payments (your premium) to us. When you pass away, we pay a set amount of money, (generally tax-free) to the people or institutions you choose (your beneficiaries). It can be your loved ones, your favorite charities, or other non-profits. ...
Although marketing is foundational to the growth of an insurance agency, it can be challenging to decide where to put resources and energy. Even if you end up allocating money toward campaigns that may or may not work, creating a concurrent plan to cultivate free insurance leads would be a ...
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