return "file/*"; } String type = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(suffix); if (type != null || !type.isEmpty()) { return type; } return "file/*"; } 方法2: public static String getMimeType(String filePath) { MediaMetadataRetriever mmr = new MediaMetadataRetriever(...
extension String A file extension without the leading '.' Returns String The MIME type for the given extension ornullif there is none. Attributes RegisterAttribute Remarks Return the MIME type for the given extension. Java documentation forandroid.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension(java.lang...
public static String getMimeType(File file){ String suffix = getSuffix(file); if (suffix == null) { return "file/*"; } String type = MimeTypeMap.getSingleton().getMimeTypeFromExtension(suffix); if (type != null || !type.isEmpty()) { return type; } return "file/*"; } 方法2:...
方法2: publicstaticStringgetMimeType(StringfilePath){MediaMetadataRetrievermmr=newMediaMetadataRetriever();Stringmime="text/plain";if(filePath!=null){try{mmr.setDataSource(filePath);mime=mmr.extractMetadata(MediaMetadataRetriever.METADATA_KEY_MIMETYPE);}catch(IllegalStateExceptione){returnmime;}catch(Ill...
GetFileExtensionFromUrl (string? url); 參數 url String url 傳回 String 指定URL 的副檔名。 屬性 RegisterAttribute 備註 如果沒有副檔名,則傳回副檔名或空字串。 此方法是一種方便的方法,可用於取得 URL 的延伸,並具有其他 Strings 未定義的結果。 的android.webkit.MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFrom...
get-mime-type Get a mime-type from a filename or extension with no fuzz. npm install get-mime-type API mime = getMimeType(name, charset = true) Get a mime / content type for a name or extension. If charset is true (default) it adds the charset for known extensions...
public static string getFileType(string url) { string type = null; string extension = MimeTypeMap.GetFileExtensionFromUrl(url); if (extension != null) { MimeTypeMap mime = MimeTypeMap.Singleton; type = mime.GetMimeTypeFromExtension(extension); } return type; } 中文...
Type type string file or external where file is an uploaded file and external is a link to an external file Field ID id string ID of custom template field Field Name name string Name of custom template field Field Value value string Value of custom template field Currency currency str...
The current list of mappings is outdated. Newer fonts and audio formats have been added and the list should be updated. Rather than update our own list we can leverage from Cef.GetMimeType(string) to perform file extension to mimeType ma...
Win32_MIMEInfoAction class (Windows) Win32_PnPSignedDriver class (Windows) Win32_PowerPlan class (Windows) Win32_PowerSettingElementSettingDataIndex class (Windows) Win32_ServiceSpecification class (Windows) Win32_TypeLibraryAction class (Windows) HCLUSENUM structure (Windows) HNODEENUMEX structure ...