モジュール: MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Workspaces Power BI ワークスペースの一覧を返します。 構文 PowerShell コピー Get-PowerBIWorkspace [-Scope <PowerBIUserScope>] [-Filter <String>] [-User <String>] [-Deleted] [-Orphaned] [-Type <WorkspaceType>] [-First <Int32>] [-Skip <Int32>...
If you get Power BI Desktop from the Microsoft Store, admin privilege isn't required. IT roll-out enabled: Through the Microsoft Store for Business, you can more easily deploy, or roll out, Power BI Desktop to everyone in your organization. Language detection: The Microsoft Store version ...
This article explains the requirements and process to submit a custom visual for certification in Power BI.
Join this webinar to learn how to quickly get started with Power BI, gain important insights from your data, and visualize it for the first time.
For this tutorial, we start from scratch by creating a report in the Power BI service rather than through the Desktop. We create a semantic model from a simple Microsoft Excel file that contains sample financial data.Open the Power BI service (app.powerbi.com) in your browser. Don't have...
23 Ιουνίου, 2015έωςThe Power BI Team Over the last four months we’ve been adding support for new SaaS services in Power BI, on a weekly basis, providing users with rich, out of the box dashboards and reports in just a few clicks! As we continue this release cadence...
For this tutorial, we start from scratch by creating a report in the Power BI service rather than through the Desktop. We create a semantic model from a simple Microsoft Excel file that contains sample financial data.Open the Power BI service (app.powerbi.com) in your browser. Don't have...
Search Search Microsoft.com No results Cancel 0 Cart 0 items in shopping cart Home Get Started With Power Bi Desktop Get Started With Power Bi Desktop We're sorry. There are no current sessions for this event. View all workshops and training ...
利用Power BI进行客户细分 采悟发表于Power... Power BI 新功能用在多维结构分析非常给力 传统的多维度同时展示可能是一堆饼图: 现在可以下图这样,请注意每个维度的最大值都可以显示在最前面,将Power BI desktop升级到2023年12月的版本后,制作这样的图表非常容易。 传统模式下… wujun...发表于Power... 认识Pow...
本文内容 Power BI Desktop 工作原理 安装并运行 Power BI Desktop 连接到数据 调整数据 合并数据 生成报表 共享工作 后续步骤 --> 欢迎使用 Power BI Desktop 入门指南。Welcome to the getting started guid