Can you get hardware banned on Apex Legends? Yes, Apex Legends does HWID ban players frequently to keep the rest of the players protected. If Apex Legends detects any hacks or third-party software on your PC, you may receive a ban or block message upon login. Can Apex Legends IP Ban yo...
... the Apex global class echosign_dev1.EchoSignApiService has the method below, at least in v20+ of Adobe Sign for Salesforce. global static EchoSignApiService.AgreementViewUrl getViewAgreementUrl(Id agreementId) You should be able to use this to get the view/manage...
Provides the Oracle REST Data Services (ORDS) users the ability to perform Oracle Database management and monitoring operations through a user-friendly REST API.
RestSharp.NetCore是一个用于发送HTTP请求的开源库,它提供了简单且易于使用的API,可以帮助开发人员在.NET Core项目中发送GET请求。 然而,如果无法使用RestSharp...
in the soap api developer guide for additional details on data replication and data replication limits. uri /vxx.x/ sobjects/ sobjectname / updated/?start= startdateandtime &end= enddateandtime formats json, xml http method get authentication authorization: bearer token parameters parameter ...
I'm facing an issue when the element I look for is not present on screen. In that scenario, WD Proxy gets a 404 response and it gets stuck. The test client never receives the HTTP response, and the automation session never ends: [HTTP] -...
Get the values for your Embedded Service deployment configuration, including the branding colors, font, and site URL. This resource is available in REST API version 45.0 and later.
ScanAPI is a testing framework that provides automated integration testing and live documentation for any REST API. Given an API specification, written in YAML/JSON format, the library hits the specified endpoints, runs the test cases, and generates a detailed report of this execution - that can...
String restEndpoint = soapEndpoint.substring(0, soapEndpoint.indexOf("Soap/")) +"async/"+ conf.apiVersion; config.setRestEndpoint(restEndpoint); config.setCompression(conf.useCompression); config.setTraceMessage(conf.showTrace); config.setSessionRenewer(partnerConfig.getSessionRenewer()); ...
public String state(String batchId) { try { LivyRestClient restClient = new LivyRestClient(); String statusResult = restClient.livyGetJobStatusBatches(batchId); JSONObject stateJson = new JSONObject(statusResult); return stateJson.getString("state"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrac...