2 CodeIgniter - Method not found 0 Fatal error: Class 'CI_Controller' not found in H:\php2\htdocs\property\system\core\CodeIgniter.php on line 233 1 Call to undefined method CI_DB_mysqli_result::results() 0 Codeigniter error for begginner 1 Message: Undefined property: CI_...
I want to pass $row->companyName in the URL to be a part of site/companyDetail?name=CompanyName where companyDetail is a file. The values are from a SQL database. I want to load companyDetail of CompanyName. How do I do it? Thanks. I am using CodeIgniter. if(isset($query1)){ ...
error:<textarea name="text" style="width:100%; height:50px;"></textarea> '; }if(config::get('lepton.mvc.exception.showdebug',false) ==true) {echo''.'Details '.''. $dbg .'</
在Angular 4中,当对HTTP请求进行解析时出错,可能是由于以下几个原因引起的: 1. 语法错误:检查代码中是否存在语法错误,如拼写错误、缺少分号等。这些错误可能导致解析器无法正确解析HTTP...
*@returnDataMapper Returns self for method chaining. */publicfunctionget($limit = NULL, $offset = NULL){// Get the CodeIgniter instance, since it isn't set in this file.$CI =& get_instance();// Check if the user is allowed to see protected chapters.if(!$CI->tank_auth->is_allowed...
在CodeIgniter环境下找不到Gmaps 、、、 祝你好运,我很难找到google键。我必须更改配置文件中的base_url,从那时起它就给了我这个错误: Google错误: MissingKeyMapError @ util.js:211 谷歌地图API警告: NoApiKeys util.js:211谷歌地图API警告: SensorNotRequired 如果我用api键将这个标记添加到页面的:...
} else if(in_array($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], ['GET', 'DELETE'])) { $params = $CI->input->get(); } else { $params = json_decode($CI->input->raw_input_stream, TRUE); if(empty($params)){ $params = []; } } // dd($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_SERVER['CONTENT_TYPE...
Invalid method in request head / htp/1.1<P> <HR> <ADDRESS> Apache/1.3.12 Server at www.fudan.edu.cn Port 80</ADDRESS> </BODY></HTML> 关于实体头部的内容还可以有: Last Modified :请求文档的最近修改时间。 Expires :请求文档的过期时间。
I'm trying to get host name from class which implements FilterInterface... In before() method I'm using RequestIterface to get hostname: I've got in $_SERVER array: SERVER_NAME: www.domain.com HOST_NAME: adm.domain.com so I thought host ...