GET和POST是由HTTP协议定义的。在HTTP协议中,Method和Data(URL, Body, Header)是正交的两个概念。也就是说,使用哪个Method与应用层的数据如何传输是没有相互关系的。HTTP没有要求,如果Method是POST数据就要放在BODY中。也没有要求,如果Method是GET,数据(参数)就一定要放在URL中而不能放在BODY中。 网上的说法只是HT...
The POST method consumes a lot of time when working with large binary files. Compare GET vs. POST Below is some major differences of GET vs. POST Key Differences Between GET and POST Method In GET method, values are visible in the URL while in the POST method, values are not visible in...
<!DOCTYPE html> Example of PHP POST method <?php if(isset($_POST["name"])){ echo "Hi, " . $_POST["name"] . ""; } ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];?>"> Name: The $_REQUEST VariablePHP provides another superglobal variable $_REQUE...
The GET method is limited to a maximum number of characters, while the POST method has no such limitation. This is because the GET method sends data through the resource URL, which is limited in length, while the POST method sends data through the HTTP message body, which has no such lim...
What is the difference between HttpGet and HttpPost Method in GET and POST are two different types of HTTP requests. If the method is not specified in the html form GET will be used by default.
MethodsGETandPOSTin HTML forms - what‘s the difference? InHTML, one can specify two different submission methods for aform. The method is specified inside aFORMelement, using theMETHODattribute. The difference betweenMETHOD="GET"(the default) andMETHOD="POST"is primarily defined in terms of ...
理解form的get和post 在HTML中,form元素用method属性来指定有两种不同的提交方法,即"get"(默认值)和"post"。 1. get和post的定义 W3C的HTML 4.01 specification说,form元素的method属性用来指定发送form的HTTP方法。 使用get时,form的数据集(形如control-name=current-value的键值对)被附加到form元素的action属性所...
the"GET"method should be used when the form processing is "idempotent", and in those cases only. As a simplification, we might say that"GET"is basically for just getting (retrieving) datawhereas"POST"may involve anything, like storing or updating data, or ordering a product, or sending E...
When should I use GET or POST method? What's the difference between them? 15 answers GETandPOSTare two different types of HTTP requests. According to Wikipedia: GET requests a representation of the specified resource. Note that GET should not be used for operations that cause side-effects, ...
The PUT Method PUT is used to send data to a server to create/update a resource. The difference between POST and PUT is that PUT requests are idempotent. That is, calling the same PUT request multiple times will always produce the same result. In contrast, calling a POST request repeatedly...