模块: ExchangePowerShell 适用于: Exchange Online, Exchange Online Protection 此cmdlet 仅在基于云的服务中可用。 使用Get-MessageTrace cmdlet 以在它们通过基于云的组织时跟踪邮件。 有关以下语法部分的参数设置的详细信息,请参阅 Exchange cmdlet 语法。 语法 PowerShell 复制 Get-MessageTrace [-EndDate <...
模块: ExchangePowerShell 适用于: Exchange Online, Exchange Online Protection 此cmdlet 仅在基于云的服务中可用。 使用Get-MessageTrace cmdlet 以在它们通过基于云的组织时跟踪邮件。 有关以下语法部分的参数设置的详细信息,请参阅 Exchange cmdlet 语法。 语法 PowerShell 复制 Get-MessageTrace [-EndDate <...
Hello, Every time I run the below powershell query I only get 1000 lines to csv and there are many many more. I used to use -ResultSize Unlimited back in Exchange 2010 which used MessageTrackingLog but it doesn't work with MessageTrace, is there something similar to set the result siz...
Get-TraceSource [[-Name] <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>] 说明 cmdlet Get-TraceSource 获取当前正在使用的 PowerShell 组件的跟踪源。 可以使用数据来确定可以跟踪哪些 PowerShell 组件。 在跟踪过程中,该组件将生成有关其内部处理过程中每个步骤的详细消息。 开发人员使用跟踪数据...
PowerShell Copy Get-WinEvent -Path 'C:\Tracing\TraceLog.etl', 'C:\Test\Windows PowerShell.evtx' -Oldest | Where-Object { $_.Id -eq '403' } The Get-WinEvent cmdlet gets log information from the archived files. The Path parameter uses a comma-separated list t...
Describe the bug On starting the server, I recieve the following error messages : ===BUG REPORT=== Welcome to bitsandbytes. For bug reports, please submit your error trace t...
Otherwise, I'd suggest just doing "normal" problem identification. If you tried the same powershellGet-Item cert:...and it didn't return you a cert, I did a quick web search "windows reset trusted certificates" and it showed me results that look like it might work. You could ask your...
C:\PS>get-winevent -path "c:\tracing\tracelog.etl", "c:\Logs\Windows PowerShell.evtx" -oldest | where {$_.id -eq "103"} Description --- This example shows how to get the events from an event trace log file (.etl) and from a copy of the Windows PowerShell log file (.evtx...
Powershell - find computers that a specific us is logged on Powershell - Test-connection handle errors when computer is no longer on the domain Powershell command to find on which servers in a domain a user is logged in Powershell get-acl formatting Powershell script to fin...
Powershell - find computers that a specific us is logged on Powershell - Test-connection handle errors when computer is no longer on the domain Powershell command to find on which servers in a domain a user is logged in Powershell get-acl formatting Powershell script to find file size Powe...