在OceanBase数据库连接过程中遇到"Get Location Cache Fail"错误通常是由于以下几种原因导致的:...
本文介绍通过 ODP(又称为 OBProxy,后文统称为 ODP)连接 OceanBase 数据库时出现 Get Location Cache Fail 的原因和处理方法。 适用版本 适用于 ODP V3.x 版本。 问题现象 应用程序通过 ODP V3.x 版本访问 OceanBase 数据库时,遇到如下错误。 Get Location Cache Fail 可能原因 该问题的可能原因为:ODP 无法...
【问题描述】一天出现几十次这个错误{“errno”:4012,“sqlState”:“HY000”,“sqlMessage”:“Get Location Cache Fail”} 【复现路径】无 【附件及日志】查不到相关日志秃蛙 2023 年12 月 11 日 15:12 #3 一般出现在obproxy相关密码错误或者租户名称不正确场景会有该报错。 可以确认下日志是否在直连也会...
部署ocp报错Get Location Cache Fail 【 使用环境 】测试环境 【 OB or 其他组件 】ocp 【 使用版本 】ocp-4.0.0-ce-x86_64 【问题描述】部署ocp报错Get Location Cache Fail 【复现路径】 free -h total used free shared buff/cache available Mem: 35G 11G 3.5G 8.9M 20G 17G Swap: 7.9G 0B 7.9...
When you try to run the following sample code, the calls fail with the 11001 error. C++ hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; hints.ai_flags =0; hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; getaddrinfo("test",NULL, &hints, &res) hints.ai_family = ...
{ "id": "/subscriptions/34adfa4f-cedf-4dc0-ba29-b6d1a69ab345/resourceGroups/testrg123/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/sitef6141", "name": "sitef6141", "type": "Microsoft.Web/sites", "kind": "app", "location": "East US", "properties": { "state": "Running", "hostNames": [ ...
I need to uninstall Nuget packages which unavailable in NuGet cache location. I have tried below command for uninstall NuGet packages. But, I get exception while uninstall NuGet packages which unavailable in NuGet cache location. 1.Use NuGet Package Manager Console ...
// Set credentials for requests.xlservice.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;// Call the open workbook, and point to the trusted// location of the workbook to open.stringsessionId = xlservice.OpenWorkbook(targetWorkbookPath,"en-US","en-US",outoutStatus);// Call the ...
If the package is not exist, the remove process will fail, which result the uninstall process failed.If the NuGet cache location means the local global cache path, it will not effect the uninstall process when the package is not exist in this path. So it also doesn't have any effect ...