示例:通过 Windows 安全策略或 PowerShell 托管服务实现权限控制。 通过掌握以上专家级技巧,可以更加灵活、高效地利用Get-WmiObject命令进行系统管理、监控和故障排除,提升 PowerShell 在复杂环境中的应用能力和价值。 以下是Get-WmiObject命令顶级应用的大纲: 1. 高级查询语法与性能优化 1.1 使用 WQL 查询语言 深入学习 ...
Update Active Directory User attributes from CSV Export AD group members – nested / recursive group members PowerShell – IP to HostName along with Ping in Excel Import from CSV to SQL Table Shutdown / Restart via PowerShell Add User to Local Administrator on Remote Machine Disk Space Report...
Powershell * service (Servername,Name,startmode,state,serviceaccount,displayname + display a csv output) .INPUT Input Server text file Service list .OUTPUTS CSV output, console and Grid output .NOTES Version: 1.0 Author: Prashanth Jayaram Creation Date: 2017-02-02 Purpos...
PowerShell 复制 Get-UalSystemId [-PhysicalProcessorCount <UInt32[]>] [-CoresPerPhysicalProcessor <UInt32[]>] [-LogicalProcessorsPerPhysicalProcessor <UInt32[]>] [-OSMajor <UInt32[]>] [-OSMinor <UInt32[]>] [-OSBuildNumber <UInt32[]>] [-OSPlatformId <UInt32[]>] [-ServicePackMajor...
Add shared printer from Powershell, driver cannot be retrieved from the server Add switches to powershell script add text to the start of a line Add the same firewall rule with netsh and with PowerShell Add User Account - Local Security Policy Add user to multiple groups add users from ano...
Get-MgBetaUserAuthenticationPasswordMethod -UserId <String> [-ExpandProperty <String[]>] [-Property <String[]>] [-Filter <String>] [-Search <String>] [-Skip <Int32>] [-Sort <String[]>] [-Top <Int32>] [-ResponseHeadersVariable <String>] [-Headers <IDictionary>] ...
Get-ADUser -Identity “User Identifier” -Properties msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed | select Name, {[datetime]::FromFileTime($_.”msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed”)} Displaying Account Creation Date To see when a user account was created in AD, use this command: ...
Hi all,I would extract some "basic" data like "UserPrincipalName, DisplayName, licenses, islicensed, creation date, last activation date" and others "nested"...
RELOAD_CMD=("powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "\\\wsl$\\Ubuntu\\home\\user\\getssl\\other_scripts\\iis_install_certeficate.ps1" "domain.eu" "IIS SiteName" "\\\wsl$\\Ubuntu\\home\\user\\ssl\\" "path_to_ssl_dir" ) GIT and Rtools4 Bash RELOAD_CMD=("powershell.exe...
The code runs in Powershell but is blocked when running it from VSCode. Does anyone have any idea what's going on? EDIT: And for clarification, I'm running the code with a user that is a local admin, domain admin, and running both PS and VSCode as admin, Get-E...