(Failed to get a local IP address.) ---> Orleans.Runtime.OrleansException: Failed to get a local IP address. at Orleans.Runtime.Configuration.ConfigUtilities.GetLocalIPAddress(AddressFamily family, String interfaceName) at Orleans.OutsideRuntimeClient.ConsumeServices(IServiceProvider services) at O...
[root@test task]# vim /etc/hosts 配置上本机名的IP test 重试jmeter脚本,没有再报错。
Now we need to get the ip address of the default interface eth0. The getnameinfo function can be used for this.Sample code is found here. Combining that with our previous code we get : 1 /* 2 * Find local ip used as source ip in ip packets. 3 * Read the /proc/net/route file...
Linux: /etc/host.conf文件内容 order hosts, bind multi on /etc/resolv.conf 文件功能:DNS客户机配置文件,设置DNS服务器的IP地址及DNS域名 相关文件:/etc/host.conf 文件格式: domainname 域名 search 域名 nameserver Primary_DNS_Server_IP_address nameserver Second_DNS_Server_IP_address 其中domainname和sea...
Now we need to get the ip address of the default interface eth0. The getnameinfo function can be used for this. Sample code is foundhere. Combining that with our previous code we get : 1/* 2* Find local ip used as source ip in ip packets. ...
那么如何得到一个准确的Linux主机的IP地址呐? 带着疑问,开始本篇正文: 1、一条命令get到Linux主机IP地址 之 直接查看方式 hostname -I | awk '{print $1}' 2、一条命令get到Linux主机IP地址 之 参数方式 echo $(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}') ...
今天在做一个Java项目中用到了C3P0数据源,程序在Windows下运行没有任何问题,但是往服务器(Linux环境)上部署 运行的时候出现异常了,异常信息如下: [html]view plaincopy 2014-08-19 20:51:01 [INFO] Failed to get local InetAddress for VMID. This is unlikely to matter. At all. We'll add some extra...
IP: IP: IP: root@localhost :/home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/Network# ./ip_to_hostname error in getnameinfo: Name or service not known root@localhost :/home/James/mypro/Linux-Pro/Network# ./ip_to_hostname hostname:...
linuxFxVersion string Linux App Framework and version loadBalancing SiteLoadBalancing Site load balancing. localMySqlEnabled boolean False true to enable local MySQL; otherwise, false. logsDirectorySizeLimit integer HTTP logs directory size limit. machineKey SiteMachineKey Site MachineKey. managedP...
ip addresss: 可以看到,当 hosts 文件中没有添加主机名时,根本找不到对应的网络地址(因为 dns 中也没有解析到),添加之后就能返回对应的 ip 了。 这里有几个地方需要注意: 即使hosts 文件中添加主机名,标准 Linux 的 getaddrinfo 方法执行时,也会有接近两秒的耗时,但我们在 Java 代码...