Get-LocalUser [[-SID] <SecurityIdentifier[]>] [<CommonParameters>]说明Get-LocalUser cmdlet 获取本地用户帐户。 此 cmdlet 获取默认的内置用户帐户、创建的本地用户帐户以及连接到 Microsoft 帐户的本地帐户。备注 Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts 模块在 64 位系统上的 32 位 PowerShell 中不...
Admin rights to run powershell script to update registry ADSI for local accounts ADSISearcher constructor ADUser PasswordNeverExpires -eq 'false' Advanced audit policy setting using powershell Advanced Functions - flags? Advanced Tab of Internet Options change registry key with PowerShell All AD Groups...
At line:1 char:1 + Import-Module + ~~~ + CategoryInfo : ResourceUnavailable: (LocalAccounts:String)[Import-Module], FileNotFoundException + FullyQualifiedErrorId : Modules_ModuleNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand The server is running PSVersion 4.0 according ...
How to Detect Who Created a Scheduled Task on Windows Server How to Detect Modifications to Startup Items in the Windows Registry How to Get Local Group Members Report with or without PowerShell How to Get Server Inventory across Your Network How to List All User Accounts on a Windows System...
PowerShell 複製 Get-Service [[-Name] <String[]>] [-DependentServices] [-RequiredServices] [-Include <String[]>] [-Exclude <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]PowerShell 複製 Get-Service [-DependentServices] [-RequiredServices] -DisplayName <String[]> [-Include <String[]>] [-Exclude <...
[]: PS C:\Data\Users\Administrator\Documents> get-localuser The 'get-localuser' command was found in the module 'Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts', but the module could not be loaded. For more information, run 'Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.LocalAccounts'. ...
PowerShell Get-User[[-Identity] <UserIdParameter>] [-Arbitration] [-AuditLog] [-AuxAuditLog] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-DomainController <Fqdn>] [-Filter <String>] [-IgnoreDefaultScope] [-IsVIP] [-OrganizationalUnit <OrganizationalUnitIdParameter>] [-PublicFolder] [-ReadFromDomainController...
PowerShell Get-Service 查看运行状态的服务并将信息保存成txt文件#yyds干货盘点#,环境配置说明Windows21H1PSVersion5.1.19041.1320 示例powershellPSC:\Users\adminGetServiceWhereObject{_.Statuseq"Running"}StatusNameDisplayNameRunningAppinfoApplicationInformat
Example 1: Get processes on the local computer This example get the processes on the local computer. PowerShell Get-WmiObject-ClassWin32_Process Example 2: Gets services on a remote computer This example gets the services on a remote computer. TheComputerNameparameter specifies the IP address o...
Get-ADUser -Filter "givenname -Like 'Abbey'" -SearchBase "OU=Versacorp,DC=milkyway,DC=local" -SearchScope Parameter Combine the SearchBase and SearchScope parameters to limit the search to a particular OU and a specified number of levels of sub-OUs. For example, to find user accounts in...