Namespace: Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics.Activities Assembly: Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics.Activities.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies v1.0.0 Provides access to the ListLog parameter.C++ 复制 public: property System::Activities::InArgument<cli::...
Namespace: Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics.Activities Assembly: Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics.Activities.dll Package: Microsoft.PowerShell.5.1.ReferenceAssemblies v1.0.0 Provides access to the ListProvider parameter.C++ 复制 public: property System::Activities::InArgument<cli::...
有关Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet模块的详细信息,请参阅about_PSResourceGet。 重要 Windows PowerShell 5.1 附带了预安装的 版 PowerShellGet。 此版本的 PowerShellGet 功能有限,不支持 PowerShell 库的更新功能。 若要获得支持,必须更新到最新版本。
This parameter was reintroduced in PowerShell 7.1 Expand table Type: Int32 Position: Named Default value: None Required: False Accept pipeline input: False Accept wildcard characters: False-FileNote This parameter is only available in the FileSystem provider. To get a list of files, use the...
Hi,lately i am trying to get a powershell script to scan and get all possible windows updates including "Feature update to windows 10, version 22h2 and quality and cumulative updates.Some how the powershell command is not getting them from Microsoft Update and Windows Update.Please some one ...
Click on 'Windows PowerShell (Admin)'. When the PowerShell prompt opens, typeGet-Hotfixand pressEnterto get a list of installed updates and their installation dates. It is also possible to check if a particular update is installed by using the KB number as an argument. For example, the ...
Get-Credential cmdlet 为指定的用户名和密码创建凭据对象。 你可以在安全操作中使用凭据对象。 Get-Credential cmdlet 会提示用户输入密码或用户名和密码。 可以使用 Message 参数为提示指定自定义消息。 在 Windows PowerShell 5.1 及更早版本中,Windows 会显示一个对话
PowerShellCopy Get-WsusClassification[-UpdateServer <IUpdateServer>] [<CommonParameters>] Description TheGet-WsusClassificationcmdlet gets the list of all Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) classifications. You can filter this list using theWhere-Objectcmdlet with the results passed into theSet-Wsus...
Let me put some of the information you've provided together into a working example. Here's our CSV file layout: Here's our script for pulling the members: (Import-Csv-Path"C:\Temp\Groups\testgroups.csv").GroupName|ForEach-Object{Get-AzureADGroup-Filter"displayName eq '$_'"}|For...
Let me put some of the information you've provided together into a working example. Here's our CSV file layout: Here's our script for pulling the members: (Import-Csv-Path"C:\Temp\Groups\testgroups.csv").GroupName|ForEach-Object{Get-AzureADGroup-Filter"displayName eq '$_'"}|For...