In this tutorialHow to get youtube channel video list, we will use C# to get list of all the videos uploaded on a youtube channel. This comes handy when we need to audit our youtube channel or doing some research, or anything sneaky. :) To make sure we aren't re-inventing the whe...
YouTube Subtitles API allows users to get the subtitles from a YouTube video in all available languages as long as the video maker has provided them. Users don’t even need to download it to their disks but get a simple JSON response. 2. Locate the Timestamps of Subtitles in the...
There are so many great YouTube videos that many people want to know how they can take these videos with them on the go. Visiting one of theTop Ten Search Engines–probably Google–they ask, “how do i put YouTube videos on my iPod?” And we have the answer for you. ...; const channelPlaylists = await; // you can also pass the playlist URL const playlist = await youtube.getPlaylist("UUHnyfMqiRRG1u-2MsSQLbXA"); console.log(playlist.videos.items.length); // first 100 videos; let newVideos = await ...
YouTube videos will soon get captions [Correction 11/24/09]Hiawatha Bray
Now for the tags, this is easy. Just put the keyword you have chosen in the tags section. Don’t put anything else, we don’t want Youtube trying to rank us for a big list of random keywords. It’s important to concentrate on the ones we actually want to rank for. ...
Step 1: Add YouTube a. You may first go to the youtube website: find your favorite videos. Paste the links of the video in the IE line. b. On this software click “Add YouTube” button, you may see a another window. In this window copy the link in th...
Want to get more views with YouTube optimization? This video has everything you need to learn how to rank YouTube videos.
For every 10,000 views on YouTube, about 16 to 18 of them are of videos that violate its policies. But it's still tricky to gauge how much viewing that really is.
Want your Youtube channel to be top ranked on Youtube’s honor list? Now you can easily do that by buying our Youtube promotion services available at cheap rates and expose your channel and videos to millions of targeted people all over the world. ...