If you only need a full list of time zones that yourenvironmentsupports, you can now acquire that array usingIntl.supportedValuesOf(), like this: letary =Intl.supportedValuesOf('timeZone'); Whether that list is complete or not, will depend on your environment. In the snippet below, I re...
If you are looking for a simple way to get a list of timezones without using a polyfill, build your own array of timezones as shown below: consttimeZones=['Europe/Andorra','Asia/Dubai','Asia/Kabul','Europe/Tirane','Asia/Yerevan','Antarctica/Casey','Antarctica/Davis','Antarctica/DumontD...
Steps to Get the list of all TimeZones Import thepytzmodule in your program. import pytz Use thepytz.all_timezoneswhich returns a list of all available TimeZones. pytz.all_timezones Run afor...inloop to access and print the time zone one-by-one. ...
$timeFormat['date']);$this->ss->assign('TIMEOPTIONS', $timeOptions);$this->ss->assign('DATEOPTIONS', $dateOptions);$this->ss->assign('datetimeformat', $GLOBALS['timedate']->get_cal_date_time_format());// get list of valid timezones$userTZ = $current_user->getPreference('timezon...
GET https://atlas.microsoft.com/timezone/byId/json?api-version=1.0&options=all&query=Asia/Bahrain 示例响应 状态代码: 200 JSON 复制 { "Version": "2018c", "ReferenceUtcTimestamp": "2018-01-31T00:03:15.1349348Z", "TimeZones": [ { "Id": "Asia/Qatar", "Aliases": [ "Asia/Bahrain...
I wrotea bookin which I share everything I know about how to become a better, more efficient programmer. You can use the search field on myHome Pageto filter through all of my articles. ShareShareShareShareShare Search for posts 0
API Get Windows Time Zones 是返回 Windows 时区 ID 的完整列表的 HTTP GET 请求。 HTTP 复制 GET https://atlas.microsoft.com/timezone/enumWindows/json?api-version=1.0 URI 参数 展开表 名称在必需类型说明 format path True JsonFormat 响应的所需格式。 仅支持 json 格式。 api-version query True ...
This file is primarily used to present a list of time zones for a user to pick from. It includes the latitude and longitude coordinates for the point of reference for each time zone. This allows a map to be created highlighting these points. For example, see the interactive map shown on...
api-version query True string Version number of Azure Maps API. query query True number[] Coordinates of the point for which time zone information is requested. This parameter is a list of coordinates, containing a pair of coordinate(lat, long). When this endpoint is called directly, coo...
Yeah, I think the api would be something likemoment.tz.localZones()to return a list of possible matches andmoment.tz.localZone()to return the first item from that list. Fortunately, this can be a one-time calculation, as the user's timezone won't change without a refresh. ...