namespaceDotNet.Example { usingDotNet.BaseManager; usingDotNet.Utilities; usingDotNet.DbUtilities; publicclassSchemaTable { publicvoidGetSchemaTable() { SqlConnection connection =newSqlConnection(BaseSystemInfo.BusinessDbConnection); connection.Open(); DataTable dt = connection.GetSchema("Tables"); connectio...
I have an application using Entity framework. Is there any method to get the list of all tables in the current database. I also need to get the list of columns in each table. All replies (3) Wednesday, November 8, 2017 4:55 PM No, not that I know about. You can use T-SQ...
Logs requests 2 files, with an error while receiving the full list of tables without an error if you specify 3 tables: Author intech commented Aug 8, 2012 root@ithe /opt/sqlmap # ./ --random-agent --check-waf --risk=3 --l...
I have a few hundreds of Power BI reports and would like to know which SQL tables are being used for them. The only way I know is to open every single report to get the table information, which is time consuming and not very efficient. If you or anyone have better sug...
display the list of tables in a mysql database Displaying a 3D model in C# Displaying Console Application Version Number Displaying TimeSpan value in datetime picker using the Value property Displaying Version Number C# Dispose a string? Dispose objects in C# Disposing singleton class Dividing smaller...
ClassMethod ListGet1() { s a = $lb("Red", "Blue", "Green") &sql( SELECT $LISTGET(:a, 3),$LISTGET(:a, -1) INTO :b,:c) if SQLCODE '= 0 { w !,"Error code;",SQLCODE } else { w !,"The third element is ",b
-- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 --比較錶結構 droptable#a go droptable#b go SELECTCOLUMN_NAMEinto#aFROMgeovidnu.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNSwhere...
The following values of the InfoType argument return a list of the SQL data types to which the data source can convert the specified SQL data type with the CONVERT scalar function:SQL_CONVERT_BIGINT SQL_CONVERT_BINARY SQL_CONVERT_BIT SQL_CONVERT_CHAR SQL_CONVERT_DATE SQL_CONVERT_DECIMAL SQL_...
SQLGetDescField 可用來查詢新的 IRD 字段SQL_CA_SS_IS_COLUMN_SET,以判斷數據行是否為column_set數據行。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱疏鬆資料行支援 (ODBC)。 範例 複製 typedef struct tagCOMPUTEBYLIST { SQLSMALLINT nBys; SQLSMALLINT aByList[1]; } COMPUTEBYLIST; typedef COMPUTEBYLIST* PCOMPUTEBYLIST;...
调用GetBlockingDetailList接口,查询RDS SQL Server实例的锁阻塞列表。 接口说明 本接口仅适用于 RDS SQL Server 版实例。 使用阿里云或 DAS 的 SDK 时,建议使用最新版本。 在使用 SDK 调用 DAS 服务时,需要将地域指定为 cn-shanghai。 调试 您可以在OpenAPI Explorer中直接运行该接口,免去您计算签名的困扰。运行...