Returns an AddressEntries collection object that contains all the AddressEntry objects representing Exchange Distribution Lists of which the ExchangeDistributionList is a member. C# 複製 public Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.AddressEntries GetMemberOfList (); Returns AddressEntries An Addr...
ExchangeDistributionList.GetExchangeDistributionListMembers 方法 (Outlook) 發行項 2023/04/07 6 位參與者 意見反應 本文內容 語法 傳回值 另請參閱 會傳回 AddressEntries 集合,代表 Exchange 通訊群組清單的成員。 語法 expression。 GetExchangeDistributionListMembers 表達 代表ExchangeDistributionList...
get a list of distribution groups and all members in Active Directory Get a return value from invoke-command Get a Variable value out of ScriptBlock Get accountExpires and set value as string to another another attribute. Get Active Window Info Get AD Group count in particular OU Get AD membe...
GetExchangeDistributionListMembers GetExchangeUser GetFreeBusy GetMemberOfList GetOwners GetUnifiedGroup GetUnifiedGroupFromStore IsUnifiedGroup 更新 属性 ExchangeUser 对象 Explorer 对象 Explorers 对象 Folder 对象 Folders 对象 FormDescription 对象 FormNameRuleCondition 对象 FormRegion 对象 FormRegionStartup 对象...
aThis is why, though it is helpful to discuss past supervision experiences early in the relationship, it is also important to revisit them later, once trust has been more firmly established to revisit the effects of those past supervision experiences on the current situation. The level of trust...
private void GetDistributionListMembers() { Outlook.SelectNamesDialog snd = Application.Session.GetSelectNamesDialog(); Outlook.AddressLists addrLists = Application.Session.AddressLists; foreach (Outlook.AddressList addrList in addrLists) { if (addrList.Name == "All Groups") { snd.InitialAddressLi...
返回一个 AddressEntries 集合对象,其中包含 ExchangeDistributionList 的所有所有者。 语法 expression。 GetOwners 表达 一个代表 ExchangeDistributionList 对象的变量。 返回值 一个AddressEntries 集合对象,其中包含代表 ExchangeDistributionList 的所有所有者的 AddressEntry 对象。 如果当前会话中找不到 ExchangeDistributi...
GetExchangeDistributionListMembers GetExchangeUser GetFreeBusy GetMemberOfList GetOwners GetUnifiedGroup GetUnifiedGroupFromStore IsUnifiedGroup 更新 属性 ExchangeUser 对象 Explorer 对象 Explorers 对象 Folder 对象 Folders 对象 FormDescription 对象 FormNameRuleCondition 对象 ...
Hello everyone. I can do these 3 things separately but not as a script. 1. Query AD GroupMembers 2. Take the samAccountname and remove the first 3 digits
1. Query AD GroupMembers 2. Take the samAccountname and remove the first 3 digits 3. Lookup modified samAccountame and query for email address 4. Add email address to a DL For example. Lets say a user has an account like SA-BondJames and is a ...