BoxFilefile=newBoxFile(api,"id");BoxFile.Infoinfo=file.getInfo();BoxSharedLinklink=info.getSharedLink();Stringurl=link.getUrl(); iOS client.files.getSharedLink(forFile:"11111"){(result:Result<SharedLink,BoxSDKError>)inguardcaselet.success(sharedLink)=resultelse{print("Error retrieving file s...
C# 复制 public Microsoft.AnalysisServices.SPClient.Interfaces.ILinkFile GetLinkFile (string in_bstrLinkFilePath); 参数 in_bstrLinkFilePath String .aslx 文件的绝对路径。 返回 ILinkFile 有关文件及其描述的连接的元数据集。 适用于 产品版本 Analysis Services S...
git-link-add-to-kill-ring Iftthe link will be added to the kill-ring, defaults tot git-link-consider-ssh-config Iftconsider ssh configuration file for resolving the remote's hostname. If there's a match (usingssh -G), the link will be generated to the matching host instead of the re...
Local- You can import data from a local file into Power BI. The file isn't moved into Power BI, and a link doesn't remain to it. Instead, a new semantic model is created in Power BI, and data from the Excel file is loaded into it. Accordingly, changes to the original Excel file...
hbr:GetTempFileDownloadLink get *全部资源 * 无 无 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 TempFileKey string 是 下载文件 key。 temp/1797733170015112/report/r-000jdzknbp39cnf9hs99/r-000jdzknbp39cnf9hs99-total.csv 返回参数 名称类型描述示例值 object Code string 返回码,200 表示成功。 200 Url string...
Alist Version / Alist 版本 3.5.1 Driver used / 使用的存储驱动 阿里云盘分享 Describe the bug / 问题描述 阿里云盘分享挂载成功,目录可以正常访问,但是文件无法访问,提示failed get link: ForbiddenNoPermission.File:No Permission to access resource File ...
General cloud development,Document management,Get File Download Link,Get File Download Link,Interface Dxplaination,Interface name,Functional description,Calling mode,HTTPS call,Third Party Invocation,Request parameters,Return parameters,Call Example,Samp
The Link panel of the Get Attachment dialog enables you to select one or more files on an Oracle WebCenter Content Server instance and insert hyperlinks to these files into the current email message in your email application. You search for files using the standard search features of the conten...
SHGFI_LINKOVERLAY(0x000008000) 修改SHGFI_ICON,导致函数将链接覆盖添加到文件的图标。 还必须设置SHGFI_ICON标志。 SHGFI_OPENICON(0x000000002) 修改SHGFI_ICON,导致函数检索文件的打开图标。 还用于修改SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX,导致函数将句柄返回到包含文件小打开图标的系统映像列表。 容器对象显示一个打开的图标,指示容...
Based on this information,render:getbloburlcreates a URL for the blob asset and returns it to the element that requested it in a variable specified by theoutstrparameter. The requesting element can then use the variable in an HTML tag to create the link. ...