GetWaitQueueLength(ICondition) 方法 参考 反馈 定义 命名空间: Java.Util.Concurrent.Locks 程序集: Mono.Android.dll 返回等待与此锁关联的给定条件的线程数的估计值。 C# 复制 [Android.Runtime.Register("getWaitQueueLength", "(Ljava/util/concurrent/locks/Condition;)I", "GetGetWaitQueueLength_...
的java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.getWaitQueueLength(java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition)Java 檔。 此頁面的部分是根據 Android 開放原始碼專案所建立和共用的工作進行修改,並根據 Creative Commons 2.5 屬性授權中所述的詞彙使用。 適用於 產品版本 .NET for Android .NET for Android API 33, ....
You can use the SetMaxThreads to set the maximum number of worker threads and asynchronous I/O threads in the thread pool. You can queue as many thread pool requests as system memory allows. If there are more requests than thread pool threads, the additional requests remain queued until thread...
/* number of body bytes we expect to send, derived from the Content-Length of the HTTP request */@property(readonly)int64_t countOfBytesExpectedToSend;/* number of byte bytes we expect to receive, usually derived from the Content-Length header of an HTTP response. */@property(readonly)...
SecurityStatisticscontains: SecurityContextCreate, SecurityContextDequeue, SecurityContextFree, SecurityContextQueue, SecurityContextQueueInNego, SecurityContextQueueInNegoComplete, SecurityContextQueueLength, SecurityContextTimeout, SecurityPackAlloc, SecurityPackFree, SecurityTKeyBadTime, SecurityTKeyInvalid, Security...
queueId The queue ID. Type: String Pattern: queue-[0-9a-f]{32} requiredFileSystemLocationNames A list of the required file system location names in the queue. Type: Array of strings Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items. Maximum number of 20 items. Length Constraints: Minimum len...
The name length is at least 6 and at most 50 characters. The name can contain only letters, numbers, hyphens -. The name must start with a letter and end with a letter or number. The name doesn't end with -sb or -mgmt. For Location, choose the region in which your namesp...
queueId The queue ID. Type: String Pattern: queue-[0-9a-f]{32} requiredFileSystemLocationNames A list of the required file system location names in the queue. Type: Array of strings Array Members: Minimum number of 0 items. Maximum number of 20 items. Length Constraints: Minimum len...
在整个kernel实现中,最最核心的代码就是Add(zLocal, xLocal, yLocal, TILE_LENGTH);通过一个Ascend C提供的API接口完成了所有数据的加法计算,对,没看错,就是这个接口完成了计算。 接下来就介绍下Ascend C提供的API。Ascend C算子采用标准C++语法和一组类库API进行编程,类库API主要包含以下几种,大家可以在核函数...