一、使用 Power Query 提取关键词 Power Query 是 Power BI 中的一个重要组件,它可以帮助用户从各种数据源中获取数据,并对数据进行清洗、转换和整合。在 Power Query 中,我们可以通过以下方式来提取关键词:1.使用“分割列”功能:选中需要分割的列,在“转换”选项卡中选择“分割列”,然后按照指定的分隔符对...
Restore-PowerBIWorkspace Set-PowerBIWorkspace 下载PDF 使用英语阅读 保存 添加到集合 添加到计划 通过 Facebookx.com 共享LinkedIn电子邮件 打印 参考 反馈 模块: MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt.Workspaces 返回Power BI 工作区的列表。 语法 PowerShell Get-PowerBIWorkspace[-Scope <PowerBIUserScope>] [-Filter <String>...
value Dataset[] 数据集 DatasetUser 数据集的 Power BI 用户访问权限条目 展开表 名称类型说明 datasetUserAccessRight DatasetUserAccessRight 用户对数据集的访问权限 (权限级别) displayName string 主体的显示名称 emailAddress string 用户的电子邮件地址 graphId string Microsoft Graph 中主体的标识符。
Built-in samples and apps in the Power BI service, .pbix files, Excel datasets, and SQL databases, all to help you explore Power BI functionality.
You can easily undo the last step in the Applied Steps pane by selecting the X delete icon next to the step. Now redo the step, selecting only the columns you want to delete. For more flexibility, you could delete each column as a separate step....
使用调用 Get-PowerBIDataflow 的管道结果返回 Power BI 数据流中名称为“MyDataflow”的所有数据源。 参数 -Dataflow 要为其检索和返回数据源的数据流对象。 Type:Dataflow Position:Named Default value:None Required:True Accept pipeline input:True Accept wildcard characters:False ...
Over the last four months we’ve been adding support for new SaaS services in Power BI, on a weekly basis, providing users with rich, out of the box dashboards and reports in just a few clicks! As we continue this release cadence we wanted to make… » Les mer Hva...
Power BI Embedded Power BI Workspace Collections Purview Quota Recovery Services Recovery Services - Backup Recovery Services - Site Recovery Red Hat OpenShift Redis Cache Relay Reserved VM Instances Resource Health Resource Management Resource Mover Search Management Search Service Secret Sync Controller Sen...
本文内容 Power BI Desktop 工作原理 安装并运行 Power BI Desktop 连接到数据 调整数据 合并数据 生成报表 共享工作 后续步骤 --> 欢迎使用 Power BI Desktop 入门指南。Welcome to the getting started guid
to filter data based on different column values. This can be incredibly useful when you want to look at specific pieces of information within a larger data set. In this article, we will explore how to get the number of rows for one table based on a specific column value in Power BI. ...