模块: Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility 获取自上次启动以来的 TimeSpan。语法PowerShell 复制 Get-Uptime []PowerShell 复制 Get-Uptime [-Since] [<CommonParameters>]说明此cmdlet 返回自上次启动操作系统以来经过的时间。Get-Uptime cmdlet 是在 PowerShell 6.0 中引入的。
默认情况下,此 cmdlet 返回一个表示经过的时间的 TimeSpan 对象。DateTime使用Since 参数时,此 cmdlet 返回表示上次启动时间的 DateTime 对象。备注 如果启用了 Windows 快速启动,Windows 不会更新存储在 LastBootUpTime 中的值。 若要禁用快速启动,请运行以下命令:Powercfg -h off。 有关Windows 快速启动的详细信息...
CsBootOptionOnLimit: 限制时的引导选项 CsBootOptionOnWatchDog: 看门狗时的引导选项 CsBootROMSupported: 引导 ROM 是否受支持 CsBootStatus: 引导状态 CsBootupState: 引导状态 CsCaption: 标题 CsChassisBootupState: 机箱引导状态 CsChassisSKUNumber: 机箱 SKU 编号 CsCurrentTimeZone: 当前时区 CsDaylightInEffect...
Now that I have the Windows PowerShell ISE running with Admin rights, it is time to write the script. I first obtain the boot-up time. This code is shown here: $bootTime = (Get-CimInstance win32_Operatingsystem).lastbootuptime “Boot time is $($bootTime)” Now I use theGet-WinE...
启动NuGet 组件后,必须安装最新版本的 PowerShellGet 和 PackageManagement 模块才能得到支持。 在连接 Internet 的计算机上启动 以下过程假定计算机已连接到 Internet,并且可以从公共位置下载文件。 错误:需要 NuGet 提供程序才能继续 当计算机上的 NuGet 提供程序不可用时,会收到此错误。
90 day inactive user report using PowerShell A "tail -f" equivalent command in Powershell to show real time logging A call to SSPI failed A connection to the directory on which to process the request was unavailable. This is likely a transient condition. A fast way to remove duplicated ...
I just got a quick ping from someone at work for an uptime script. I checked in WMI with by usingSearch-WmiHelpto find a wmi class that had an uptime property (Win32_OperatingSystem has LastBootUpTime). While I had found the uptime property I needed, I was left with another pretty ...
PowerShell Kopeeri Get-CMDriver [-Fast] -DriverPackageId <String> [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell Kopeeri Get-CMDriver [-Fast] -DriverPackageName <String> [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [<CommonParameters>] PowerShell...
Power Off Reapply Redeploy Reimage Restart Retrieve Boot Diagnostics Data Simulate Eviction Start Update Run Command Compute Schedule Confluent Consumption Container Instances Container Registry Cosmos DB Cosmos DB for PostgreSQL Cosmos DB Resource Provider Cost Management Custom Providers Data Box Data Box Ed...
PowershAI PowerShell module that brings AI to terminal on Windows, including support for Ollama orbiton Configuration-free text editor and IDE with support for tab completion with Ollama. Apple Vision Pro Enchanted Database pgai - PostgreSQL as a vector database (Create and search embeddings ...