《#Doja Cat# 强势新单Get Into It (Yuh)超清mv大首播!》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!惊喜!豆荚猫 强势新单Get Into It (Yuh)超清mv大首播!豆荚猫上演百变造型!最后是为了……
《Get Into It (Yuh)》单曲循环链接QQ音乐:http://t.cn/A6iY8ab4网易云音乐:http://t.cn/A6iY8aby, 视频播放量 62042、弹幕量 16、点赞数 1719、投硬币枚数 208、收藏人数 976、转发人数 155, 视频作者 索尼音乐娱乐, 作者简介 索尼音乐国际官方账号关注获取更多潮流与经
Doja Cat《Get Into It(Yuh)》MV在线看!Doja Cat 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
Doja Cat-Get Into It (Yuh)现场版泰鸿殿下 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 3.2万 13 00:45 App 舞台上的“豆荚猫”Doja Cat太辣了吧!!! 4544 1 03:15 App 『中字』缇娜雪Tinashe美国跨年夜表演性感热单 - Nasty [2025 Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve] 1744 0 01:51 ...
Doja Cat新单《Get Into It (Yuh)》 MV预告片释出!这造型太酷了,又是良心制作,期待值拉满 - http://t.cn/A6itOeyN
I said "Get into it yuh" If she ain't got a butt Now *** it get into it yuh And I say I just got a buck Get into it yuh Pop out with a truck Get into it yuh If you go to church Get into it yuh If she ain't got a butt *** it get into it yuh Yeah you just ...
I said "Get into it yuh" If she ain't got a butt Now f**k it get into it yuh And I say I just got a buck Get into it yuh Pop out with a truck Get into it yuh If you go to church Get into it yuh If she ain't got a butt F**k it get into it yuh...
【榜单资讯】随着豆荚Doja Cat 热单《Get Into It (Yuh)》正式出榜,为此,专辑《Planet Her》时代在 Hot 100 单曲榜上暂时告一段落。 这也是目前为止,有史以来第一张专辑,五支主打单曲均在排行榜超过 35 周...
I said get into it yuh If she ain't got a butt Nah f**k it get into it yuh And I say I just got a buck Get into it yuh Pop out with a truck Get into it yuh If you go to church Get into it yuh If she ain't got a butt F**k it get into it yuh Yeah you just wan...
Pop out with a truck Ha Get into it yuh Yuh If you go to church I said "Get into it yuh" If she ain't got a butt Now f**k it get into it yuh And I say I just got a buck Get into it yuh Pop out with a truck