* but it does not exist on WinCE */ptw32_filetime_to_timespec(&ft, &currSysTime); tmpCurrMilliseconds = (int64_t)currSysTime.tv_sec * MILLISEC_PER_SEC; tmpCurrMilliseconds += ((int64_t)currSysTime.tv_nsec + (NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC/2)) / NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC;#else/* ! NEED_FTIM...
PIOS_IAP_SetRequest2();/* Note: Cant just wait timeout value, because first time is randomized */reset_count =0; lastResetSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); UAVObjEvent * ev = pvPortMalloc(sizeof(UAVObjEvent));memset(ev,0,sizeof(UAVObjEvent)); EventPeriodicCallbackCreate(ev, resetTask,...
'GetSystemTimeAsFileTime' function is much faster to call and both it's precision and accuracy should be enough for the cases for how we use 'my_micro_time' and 'my_micro_time_and_time' in the server. But maybe we should keep the use of 'QueryPerformanceCounter' in my_getsystime?
PS_SYSTIMESystem CPU time, a value of the type clock_t, which needs to be divided by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) to convert it to seconds. Forz/OS UNIX, this value is expressed in hundredths of a second. PS_USERTIMEUser CPU time, a value of the type clock_t, which needs to be divide...
* NB: It's important to keep a copy of the DCB *and* the root * CNode around. We need to revoke both (in the right order, see * kill_domain() below), so that we ensure no one else is * referring to the domain's CSpace anymore. Especially the loop ...