* but it does not exist on WinCE */ptw32_filetime_to_timespec(&ft, &currSysTime); tmpCurrMilliseconds = (int64_t)currSysTime.tv_sec * MILLISEC_PER_SEC; tmpCurrMilliseconds += ((int64_t)currSysTime.tv_nsec + (NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC/2)) / NANOSEC_PER_MILLISEC;#else/* ! NEED_FTIM...
PIOS_IAP_SetRequest2();/* Note: Cant just wait timeout value, because first time is randomized */reset_count =0; lastResetSysTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); UAVObjEvent * ev = pvPortMalloc(sizeof(UAVObjEvent));memset(ev,0,sizeof(UAVObjEvent)); EventPeriodicCallbackCreate(ev, resetTask,...
'GetSystemTimeAsFileTime' function is much faster to call and both it's precision and accuracy should be enough for the cases for how we use 'my_micro_time' and 'my_micro_time_and_time' in the server. But maybe we should keep the use of 'QueryPerformanceCounter' in my_getsystime?
PS_SYSTIMESystem CPU time, a value of the type clock_t, which needs to be divided by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) to convert it to seconds. Forz/OS UNIX, this value is expressed in hundredths of a second. PS_USERTIMEUser CPU time, a value of the type clock_t, which needs to be divide...
This function internally uses util.SteamIDTo64, it previously utilized Player:UniqueID which can cause collisions (two or more players sharing the same PData entry). This function now only uses the old method as a fallback if the name isn't found. ...
@drp0 right, but time.h is not part of the Arduino libraries, it is bundled with the GCC toolchain, and part of the POSIX API. Author drp0 commented Jan 3, 2017 YiFi101 includes time.h in WiFi.cpp Having done so, there should be usable examples as detailed above. per1234 removed...
* NB: It's important to keep a copy of the DCB *and* the root * CNode around. We need to revoke both (in the right order, see * kill_domain() below), so that we ensure no one else is * referring to the domain's CSpace anymore. Especially the loop ...