I am going to turn my Tablet PC into a Office 2007 and then Vista beta unit. So I have some preparation to do first. Meanwhile, I see there is something else that I can occupy myself with, mentioned in one of your posts today. When Passport is working again, I might download a ...
The user that has the problem needs to run Word, Excel, or PowerPoint once in order to create the registry entries under OfficeLive. You need to create OfficeLive under the HKCU hive for the users that have the issue. I'm working on ...
You might get this error when you start the Office 2021, Office 2019, or Office 2016 versions of Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, or Visio on your PC: Microsoft Excel has stopped working. Microsoft Word has stopped working. ...
For more details on our testing methods, see our article “How we test monitors at PCWorld.” FAQ 1. What makes a monitor good for my home office? A home office monitor should have a high maximum brightness, which helps defeat glare, and a good range of connectivity. A height-adjustable...
How to separate scripts into separate files How to Set a machine level Environment variable in remote machines How to set AD-User attribute MailNickname? How to set an individual user's password to expire after 30 days in Office 365 - using powershell How to set Deny Logon Localy in PS ...
(LOB) application, and have the application dynamically find her colleagues whether they are sitting with her in the airport or remain back in the office. The application will initially have to sign into the Collaboration infrastructure and specify the scope of the sign-in. In this example, ...
Figure 2shows a short script—taken from my bookWindows PowerShell: TFM(SAPIEN Press, 2006)—that uses Windows PowerShell to automate Cacls.exe. This script is just a demonstration, meaning you'll have to tweak it if you want to make it into a real automation tool. But it does show ho...
How to separate scripts into separate files How to Set a machine level Environment variable in remote machines How to set AD-User attribute MailNickname? How to set an individual user's password to expire after 30 days in Office 365 - using powershell How to set Deny Logon Localy in PS ...
The answer was: yes, it's possible and quite easy! I didn't spend much time on this: read the chapter about Excel in "Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2007" by Richard Mansfield, and the first tutorial that came across. It took me about 10 minutes to google for 'AppleScript...
The answer was: yes, it's possible and quite easy! I didn't spend much time on this: read the chapter about Excel in "Mastering VBA for Microsoft Office 2007" by Richard Mansfield, and the first tutorial that came across. It took me about 10 minutes to google for 'AppleScript...