Please use this migration guide ( to start working with View Binding ( and the 'kotlin-parcelize' plugin. VisionCamera: Frame Processors are disabled because REA v2 does not exist. ...
Stream WebRTC Androidsupports some useful extensions for WebRTC based onKotlin's Coroutines. First, add the dependency below to yourmodule'sbuild.gradlefile: dependencies{ implementation"io.getstream:stream-webrtc-android-ktx:$version"} addRtcIceCandidate ...
要在我写这段代码之前从uri获取位图(在API29中,getBitmap已经发布了): Bitmap bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(context.getContentResolver(), Uri.fromFile(ImageModelArrayList.get(position).getImageUri())); 为了方便起见,我现在写了这段代码来获取位图: ImageDecoder.Source source = ImageDecode...
我正在两个不同的物理设备中调试我的应用程序: 摩托罗拉Moto G,Android 4.4.2 LG擎天柱L5 II,安卓4.1.2 我按下按钮叫照相机: buttonCamera.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); 浏览1...
setImageBitmap(bitmap); BottomShowDialog dialog = new BottomShowDialog(getContext()); dialog.setTitle("ShowBitmapInCameraLensRect"); dialog.setBitmap(bitmap);; } } 代码示例来源:origin: blurpy/kouchat-android private int getColorFromPreviewImage(final ImageView previewImage) { ...
1.1:2) at at com.myscannerapp.ap.barcode.BarcodeAnalyzerX.<init>( at$1.<init>(ScanningCameraX....
ACCELERATE SOFTWARE DISTRIBUTION Go beyond traditional CDN, P2P, point solutions, or heavy DIY scripting to ensure your application delivery. JFrog Distribution works OOTB from Day-1, and has your back with simple and secure operations as you continue to scale to Day-n. Book a Demo ...
Android Publisher Service (Java & Kotlin) Version Change History Getting Started Preparations Integrating the HMS Core SDK Integrating Ads Kit Through HMS Toolkit Ad Formats Banner Ads Native Ads Integrating the SDK-rendered Template Ads Rewarded Ads Interstitial Ads Splash Ads Roll...
你必须在AndroidManifest.xml中添加android:export= true或false,其中有标签intent-filter(anywhere)当然...
你必须在AndroidManifest.xml中添加android:export= true或false,其中有标签intent-filter(anywhere)当然...