We use jQuery to grab the button class names, and we attach a click event to all, and when you click any button, you’ll get its ID in an alert window in your web browser. CK-button-1 CK-button-2 CK-button-3
绑定事件处理程序:可以使用.on()方法为元素绑定事件处理程序,例如$("#myElement").on("click", function(){})可以为id为"myElement"的元素绑定点击事件的处理程序。 获取元素的内容:可以使用.html()方法获取元素的HTML内容,例如$("#myElement").html()可以获取id为"myElement"的元素的HTML内容。 修改元素的...
This is the shortened version of my code, (no need for all of it), and my goal is that when I click "Edit" that it will show the div with the id XXX. I will have many of these on one page and I only want one function.
$('#btn').on('click', () =>{//指定 URL 参数 回调函数$.get('http://www.liulongbin.top:3006/api/getbooks', { id: 1 }, (res) =>{ console.log(res); }) }) }) $.post() jQuery 中 $.post() 的功能单一,专门用来发起 post 请求,从而向服务器提交数据。
首先现在并引用Jquery 然后调用Bind方法,来绑定Click,这里 使用了 this,取代 document.getElementById("button" + m).style.display = "none";写法。toggle()方法是:如果是hide则show,如果是show则hide。("#" + "button" + m).bind("click", function () { $(this).toggle(); ...
// 获取元素 const btn=document.getElementsByTagName('button')[0]; // 绑定事件 btn.onclick=function(){ // 利用ajax来进行需求操作 // 创建对象 const xhr=new XMLHttpRequest(); // 初始化 设置请求方法和url xhr.open('GET','http://...
bar With an index specified,.get( index )retrieves a single element: 1 console.log( $("li").get(0) ); Since the index is zero-based, the first list item is returned: Each jQuery object also masquerades as an array, so we can use the array dereferencing operator to get at the...
jQueryGet Started ❮ PreviousNext ❯ Adding jQuery to Your Web Pages There are several ways to start using jQuery on your web site. You can: Download the jQuery library from jQuery.com Include jQuery from a CDN, like Google Downloading jQuery ...