Before you can evaluate the software, you will need to provide the code for your machine by running a utility program to get a unique ID number for your computer. Click here to run the utility (hostid.exe) and get the ID number. Send the ID to Mechanical Simulation or your sales ...
IDebugProgramHost2::GetHostId 项目 2024/01/12 7 个参与者 反馈 本文内容 语法 参数 返回值 另请参阅 获取承载此程序的进程的进程标识符。 语法 C# C++ C# 复制 int GetHostId( AD_PROCESS_ID[] pdwId ); 参数 pdwId [in, out]使用 进程标识符信息填充的AD_PROCESS_ID 结构。 ...
gethostname函数将本地主机的名称返回到name参数指定的缓冲区中。 主机名以null结尾的字符串的形式返回。 主机名的形式取决于 Windows 套接字提供程序,它可以是简单的主机名,也可以是完全限定的域名。 但是,可以保证gethostbyname和WSAAsyncGetHostByName成功分析返回的名称。
cmdlet Get-Host 获取一个 对象,该对象表示承载Windows PowerShell的程序。 默认显示内容包括 Windows PowerShell 版本号以及主机使用的当前区域和语言设置,但是主机对象包含大量信息,其中包括有关当前正在运行的 Windows PowerShell 版本以及 Windows PowerShell 的当前
host Sourcestring 主机的来源。取值: Local:本地主机 Ecs:ECS 实例 Rds:RDS 专属集群主机 Local HostPrivateAddressstring 主机的私网地址,可为域名或 IP 地址。 192.168.XX.XX OSTypestring 主机的操作系统。取值: Linux Windows Linux HostIdstring
Get Host Name get html textbox value in behind) Get javascript return value in c# code behind Get last day of month get last item in an arraylist get last item in an list in Get latest added id using Dapper - Insert query Get List by IDs Get method name that ...
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2DsgetDisplays the selected properties of a specific object in the directory. The dsget commands include:dsget computer dsget contact dsget group dsget ou dsget server ds...
Get-WindowsFeature-NameAD*, Web* This example returns a list of available and installed features that have a command ID starting withADorWeb. Example 4 PowerShell Get-WindowsFeature-ComputerNameServer01 | Where Installed This example returns a list of features installed on a specified server,Server...
If the acting credentials do not have directory-level permission to perform the task, Active Directory module for Windows PowerShell returns a terminating error. Type:PSCredential Position:Named Default value:None Required:False Accept pipeline input:False ...
cat /etc/hostid#or (might be empty)kenv -q smbios.system.uuid Linux: cat /var/lib/dbus/machine-id#or when not found (e.g. Fedora 20)cat /etc/machine-id OS X: ioreg -rd1 -c IOPlatformExpertDevice|grep IOPlatformUUID Windows: ...