Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia. Hymn: Eternal Light (Phos Hilaron) Eternal light, shine in my heart; eternal hope, lift up my eyes: eternal power, be my support; eternal wis...
7. Open Doublets I think we mainly have Joseph Fiennes inShakespeare in Loveto blame for this trope. Fiennes spends a good chunk of this movie running around with his underwear hanging out of his doublet. Trust me, this would have been the 16th-century equivalent of leaving your fly unzipp...
princes prevalence prettiest prettier pretence presumptuous prepolymer prepares premieres prejudices prejudiced pregnancy preferential predisposition preclude preamble pragmatic pozzatti powerfully pounded potter potentials potemkin postmaster posters poster possum possessive positivism portugal portsmouth ports populace ...