Help is available if you have trouble paying your utility bills. Utilities are the essential services that keep your home running. These may include the supply of electricity, gas, and water. Help paying your water bills is available through a national program called the Low Income Household ...
Finally, the 2-1-1 Program, which is run by United Way, also provides utility assistance. This can help you pay off your electric, gas, water, and internet bills if you’re falling behind. It’s also worth noting that there’s a range ofchurch assistance programsthat can help too. So...
From them, reach out to your state, as many states have different programs for those who need financial help. Read now: Learn how to get free food with no money #24. Get Help Paying Bills Photo Credit: Teerasan via Deposit Photos. You don’t have to fall behind if you struggle to ...
Seniors get help deciphering utility billsEunnie Park
This program lets you pay a fixed amount each month. Budget billing averages bills over 12 months. Each monthly bill is the same amount until the total bill is paid. The company may adjust the bill four times a year, up or down, depending on your usage. Call your electric utility and...
“Your priority should always be covering your essentials like rent, mortgage, utility bills and council tax first,” says Sue Anderson. “These are known as ‘priority debts’ because the consequences of not paying them can be more serious. ...
Having a roof over your head isn’t much comfort if you have to spend all your time there shivering in the dark. If you’re having trouble paying yourutility bills, here are several places to look for help: Your Utility Company. If you can’t handle your home heating and electric bills...
Get ready for higher utility billsBy Irina Ivanova June 1, 2020 / 6:59 AM EDT / MoneyWatch While most Americans have cinched their pursestrings since the coronavirus pandemic started, spending in one area is surging: electricity, internet and phone bills for millions of people who are ...
Take five to ten minutes to speak with a certified debt specialist with one of's debt relief partners. Eliminate the highest-interest-rate debt first . Pay as much as you can over the minimum payment on your highest-rate debt, paying minimum payments on all other debts. When ...
Loan for paying your bills To pay a high medical bill and utility bill, you may choose a payday loan. Although you have tried to control energy consumption, you might not always control the cost of the bill. When you have no cash at your hand, you can look for a lender for payday ...