I.E. Netflix made this film "must-watch" to many by starting a meme challenge on Twitter, while the movie is really just okay. Netflix 让很多人觉得这部电影非看不可,因为在网络上发起挑战,到处都是关于这个电影的meme,人们自然好奇想去瞧瞧(蜜桃君也是)。看完之后才觉得,其实这个电影真的一般...
\#Merostage - live #Meropaint - art #Meropeeping - clips #MaNAURRR - memes | #MiaFenimore - general #Fenimake - art #Fenimovie - clips #Fenimeme - memes #Fenimoan - nsfw | #MokaChords - general ...
I'm less sure of this, but even in model-based systems, Q-learning etc, the planning/iteration happens with respect to the outputs of a value network, which is trained to be correlated with the reward, but isn't the reward itself. For example, I would say that the MCTS procedure of ...
Check out this viral Zoom cat meme hoodie for inspiration. Source: TheDreamStory 13. Funny parents Never underestimate the power of a good design. Check out this Boss Baby zip-up hoodie that truly achieves another level of great parenting. If you’re into pranks and want to have fun with...
Seven years after the events of this movie he would go on to write & produce one of the great albums of all time, Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Edgar Allen Poe) which you can hear in its entirety here. Denis O’Dell — Apple Films Producer – associate producer of A Hard Day’s...
The play brought up an age-old debate around baseball circles on what constitutes a hard slide and what is an intentionally dirty play. Utley was roundly booed when the series shifted to New York City, and the Mets eventually won the series. The following year, Major League Baseball made ...
Switching costs are real and this requires change and change is hard. But the market we’re talking about doesn’t even know about the costs of change you want to impose on them because they don’t know who you are. And they don’t think they have a problem because there’s no pain...
MAUGHAN: My favorite was one day you were so tired and I was like, “What is going on? I don’t understand anything she’s saying.” And you’re like, “It’s really hard for me when I’m tired to not use huge words.” I thought, “Well that’s unique.” ...
Also, with Wyrmspan they apparently created a whole faux encyclopedia of dragons... which went from the territory of "retheming" into overly "try hard" and kind of nerdy. Even fans were commenting on this. I get that they were trying to be cute... but like with some comedy with poor...
I realize this series has yet to air. In fact, it starts on FX on April 15th. But I loved theCoen Brothers movieupon which it is based, and if the series has any kind of the same dark humor as the film, I will be hooked. Also, what a cast!! Billy Bob Thornton, Martin Freeman...