Get GitHub Access Token. HTTP Copy Try It POST{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.DataFactory/factories/{factoryName}/getGitHubAccessToken?api-version=2018-06-01 URI Parameters Expand table NameInRequiredTypeDescription ...
WorkspaceGitRepoManagementGetGitHubAccessTokenOptionalParams interface 参考 反馈 包: @azure/synapse-artifacts 可选参数。 Extends OperationOptions 属性 展开表 clientRequestId 可以提供 guid,这有助于调试并提供更好的客户支持 继承属性 展开表 abortSignal 可用于中止请求的信号。 onRes...
} //截取字符串
Is there a way to get the git repository Access Token we provide to Xcode Cloud when we associate it to our git repository following the Source code management setup page as an Environment Variable of the project Workflows ? If I get it right, before I had the had-oc access token, I ...
ORGANIZATION:GetX allows the total decoupling of the View, presentation logic, business logic, dependency injection, and navigation. You do not need context to navigate between routes, so you are not dependent on the widget tree (visualization) for this. You don't need context to access your ...
GitObjectType GitPathAction GitPathActions GitPathToItemsCollection GitPermissionScope GitPermissionsUtil GitPermissionsUtil Methods GetProjectIdFromToken GetRefNameFromToken GetRepoIdFromToken GetTokenScope GitPullRequest GitPullRequestChange GitPullRequestCommentThread GitPullRequestCommentThreadConte...
GitObjectType GitPathAction GitPathActions GitPathToItemsCollection GitPermissionScope GitPermissionsUtil GitPermissionsUtil Methods GetProjectIdFromToken GetRefNameFromToken GetRepoIdFromToken GetTokenScope GitPullRequest GitPullRequestChange GitPullRequestCommentThread GitPullRequestCommentThreadConte...
unauthorized: HTTP Basic: Access denied You have 2FA enabled, please use a personal access token for Git over HTTP. You can generate one at https://hub.mark.local/profile/personal_access_tokens I’ve been able to log in using such a token, which solved the issue...
Login to get token 请求参数 Body 参数application/x-www-form-urlencoded 生成代码 login string 可选 The username email string 可选 The email of the user password string 必需 The password of the user 示例代码 返回响应 成功(201) HTTP 状态码:201 ...
GitHub Actions Plugin to get a GitHub user's email based on their username Usage Takes in a username & Github personal access token as an input. Example name: Test Get Email from Github Username on: workflow_dispatch: jobs: get_user_email: runs-on: ubuntu-latest name: A job to get a...