If you are fired from your job, you may still be eligible for unemployment benefits. Being fired does not disqualify you from benefits in certain situations. Instances in which you can be fired and still collect benefits include being laid off, being discharged when work is still available and...
Our evidence is based on longitudinal social security data from Portugal, where jobseekers are required to work a relatively long period to collect UBs. We find that monthly transitions from employment to unemployment increase by 10% as soon as the eligibility condition is met. This result is ...
In some states, the penalty for being fired from a job may mean less unemployment compensation but not a complete denial of benefits. For example, if you are fired for simple misconduct in New Jersey, you may have to wait out a seven-week penalty period before you can start receiving bene...
admitted to, and extreme disregard for your employer and fellow employees. Getting fired because the company didn't have the funds to keep you, or because you didn't possess the training necessary, or for minor infractions or unintended misconduct won't bar you from receiving unemployment ...
"They said she didn't know she could be fired for doing her job," said Eisenberg. Safeway did not appeal, so the decision is now final, and the company will have to pay lost unemployment benefits. But the case has some people, like shopper Anne Lynde, wondering ...
enforcement of the existing workplace standards could complicate the route to employment for many illegal immigrants because they often rely on jobs that are below minimum wage as entry points in the U.S. job market and use those jobs to gain the skills to reach higher pay levels, Wilkinson ...
The timing of your pay is one of the most important things to know when you’re about to start a new job. It’s also important to know when you’ll collect your last paycheck if you move on. Will you have to wait for it, or will you get paid upon termination of employment? Here...
You don't want to show tremendous glee as you collect a severance from a job that was making you miserable. This means no Tweets, emails, or Facebook updates writing how awesome it is to be free from prison. Smile on the inside! Instead, you've got to act a little sad so...
If you quit a job due to domestic violence, New Jersey law allows you to collect unemployment benefits. You need to submit specific evidence of domestic violence to support your unemployment claim. As with military transfers, New Jersey won’t charge your employer’s account in a case of dome...
It's also difficult to get fired from a public sector job, essentially adding a form of unemployment insurance. So, while applying for a public sector job can be cumbersome, it is still a good option for those interested in compliance. What is Financial Compliance? The duties of compliance ...