A figure’s ‘Position’ property does not have a fixed set of property values。 除了set命令,句柄图形对象创建函数(例如figure,axis,line等等)接受多个属性名和属性值对。例如: » figure( ‘Color’ , ‘blue’ , ‘NumberTitle’ , ‘off’ , ‘Name’ , ‘My Figure’) 创建一个图形窗口,背景为...
get_figure_region:手动选择图形中的点并返回 x 和 y 值,同时绘制选定的点。-matlab开发 大数据 - MatlabSi**ne 上传2.8 KB 文件格式 zip 这是ginput 工具的简单扩展,允许用户手动选择图形上的点。 这个和普通的ginput工具的区别如下: a) 选择的点在进行选择时绘制为一条线,因此很容易看到选择了哪些点(选择...
getFigureData(handle):从图形中提取数据的简单函数-matlab开发 开发技术 - 其它 Wi**ar上传3KB文件格式zip 这个非常简单的函数可用于从 Matlab 图形中提取数据。 它接受图形句柄或轴句柄,并以两个元胞数组的形式返回所有相应的数据。 它支持具有多组数据和多轴的图形。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分...
Import CurrentMATLABFigure intoExcel After you create a figure in MATLAB, import the figure into an Excel worksheet. Note If you use Excel 2007 or 2010, the width and height of the imported figure will be a quarter of the size of the original figure. ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 다운로드 More than once, I have found an old .fig file, but I can't find the data set that was used to create it. getfigdata.m will examine a figure and return the data for all of the lines in a figure. ...
for(i=1:size(temp1,1)) [temp1_min(i),index1(i)]=min(temp1(i,:)); disp(sign_objects.sign_object2{index1(i),2}); furniture{i,1}=sign_objects.sign_object2{index1(i),2} figure;imshow(figure1); bbox_loc=bbox_loc(~cellfun('isempty',b...
clccloseforceallfig=figure('NumberTitle','off', ...'ToolBar','none', ...'MenuBar','none', ...'Name','GetColor', ...'Resize','off', ...'Visible','off'); scSize=get(0,'ScreenSize'); fig.Position=[0,0,0.15*scSize(3),0.1*scSize(4)]; ...
fig = uifigure("Name","My App"); props = {"Name","Position","Color"}; get(fig,props) ans=1×3 cell array{'My App'} {[348 376 583 437]} {[0.9400 0.9400 0.9400]} Get Default Property Values on Root Get the default values defined on the root for all graphics objects. ...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: To get it to plot in a new figure, you need to call the figure() function. Otherwise it just blasts over the old/existing figure. Corrected code: % MAE 340 Lecture_18HW. Least-Squares Regression.
According to the Description section of the "mlreportgen.report.Figure" documentation page, the figure must remain open until the Figure reporter is added to a report.