値は None (この値は Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate と、作成した新しい自己署名入りの証明書に表示されます)、ThirdParty、Enterprise、Registry (この値は自己署名入りの Exchange 証明書に表示されます)、GroupPolicy または Unknown (この値は保留中の証明書要求に表示されます) です。
服务:使用 Enable-ExchangeCertificate cmdlet 将证书分配给 Exchange 的服务。 值为 None、Federation、IIS、IMAP、POP、SMTP、 UM 和 UMCallRouter。 你将在未与 Exchange 一起使用的证书中看到值 None(例如,用于 IIS Web 管理服务的 WMSvc-<ServerName> 证书)。 主题:在证书的主题名称字段中包含 X.500 值。
The default is 30 seconds. If the value is larger than 30, the default will be used instead. Parameters: timeout - the timeout value to set Returns: the CertificateGetOptions object itself.Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest在GitHub 上與我們共同作業 您可以在 GitHub 上找到此內容的來源...
Windows Server 2003:如果fExchangeCertificate设置为true,则将返回 CA 的 Exchange 证书。 CA 的 Exchange 证书可用于加密发送到 CA 的请求。 从Windows 7 和 Windows Server 2008 R2 开始,在 https:// 注册期间将忽略此参数,如果成功,函数将始终返回 CA 交换证书。 若要检索注册 Web 服务的 CA 签名证书,请在...
PS C:\>Get-VpnConnection-AllUserConnectionName : Test5 ServerAddress : : True Guid : {CF59A4C3-57DB-41FA-9793-D0C785756ABD} TunnelType : L2tp AuthenticationMethod : {Eap} EncryptionLevel : Required L2tpIPsecAuth : Certificate UseWinlogonCredential : False EapConfigXml...
(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/98.0.4758.105 Safari/537.36' envoy_1 | 'accept', 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9' envoy_1 | 'sec-fetch-site', 'none' envoy_1 | 'sec-fetch-mode',...
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) authentication set to certificates. In the following example, KSs are configured to download the CRL when the first group member registration occurs after a new CRL is available on the trustpoint CA named mycert: ip domain name cisco.com ip http serve...
Your application makes a service-to-service call to Microsoft Entra ID to exchange this authorization code for an access token, which contains information about both the tenant admin and your application. The tenant ID must be extracted from the access token and stored for future use. Request ...
Yopass is an open source end to end encrypted password sharing utility used to quickly exchange sensitive information without leaving sensitive information in mail or chat history. https://github.com/jhaals/yopass secure_linux_cis Linux controls defined in the Center for Internet Security (CIS) ...
Internet Key Exchange (IKE) authentication set to certificates. In the following example, KSs are configured to download the CRL when the first group member registration occurs after a new CRL is available on the trustpoint CA named mycert: ip domain name cisco.com ip http server crypto ...