ESET 線上說明 中文(繁體) get configurationGet the product configuration. Result of status may be { success, error } 命令列 ermm.exe get configuration --file C:\tmp\conf.xml --format xml 參數 Name Value file the path where the configuration file will be saved format format of ...
ESET 联机帮助 中文(简体) get configurationGet the product configuration. Result of status may be { success, error } 命令行 ermm.exe get configuration --file C:\tmp\conf.xml --format xml 参数 Name Value file the path where the configuration file will be saved format format of ...
15. ESET Endpoint Encryption 特性:商业软件;支持多种加密算法;提供中央管理控制台。 适用场景:适合需要集中管理和远程加密的企业。 16. Absolute Data Protect 特性:商业软件;支持透明加密;提供设备跟踪功能。 适用场景:适合需要设备追踪和数据保护的企业。 17. SafeNet Data Protection Manager 特性:商业软件;支持透明...
Automation detected that manifest ESET.EndpointSecurity needs to be removed Reason: Installer(s) found with hash mismatch. Microsoft Reviewers: Open in CodeFlow wingetbot added 3 commits January 22, 2025 15:01 Updating manifests/e/ESET/EndpointSecurity/12.0.2038.0/ESET.EndpointS… … 03b1371 Upd...
Automation detected that manifest ESET.EndpointAntivirus needs to be removed Reason: Installer(s) found with hash mismatch. Microsoft Reviewers: Open in CodeFlow
If ESET Technical Support requests logs from ESET Endpoint Antivirus for Linux, use thecollect_logs.shscript available at/opt/eset/eea/sbin/to generate the logs. Launch the script from a Terminal window with root privileges and run the following command: ...
Microsoft Sentinel esetén a Defender portálon válassza a Microsoft Sentinel>fenyegetéskezelési>jegyzetfüzetek lehetőséget. Válassza az Azure Machine konfigurálása Tanulás> Új AML-munkaterület létrehozása lehetőséget. Adja meg a következő adatokat, majd kattintson a Tov...
"privateEndpointConnections": [ { "id": "/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.Cache/Redis/cache1/privateEndpointConnections/cachePec", "properties": { "privateEndpoint": { "id": "/subscriptions/subid/resourceGroups/rg1/providers/Microsoft.Network/privateEndpoints/cachePe" },...
1、介绍endpoint 服务并不是和pod直接相连,有一种资源介于两者之间—endpoint资源 Endpoint资源就是暴露一个服务的ip地址和端口的列表,Endpoint资源和其他kubernets资源一样,使用kubectlinfo来获取它的基本信息kubectlgetendpoints kubia2、手动配置服务endpoint 如果创建了不包含pod选择器的服务,kuberne ...
Whether you have an iPhone or an Android device, our mobile devices play a big part in today’s digital world - it’s hard to imagine life without them. To help you feel confident and secure using whatever device you want, ESET provides a wide array of a...