Hello, I have a windows 2016 server. There is a website in iis and it is working fine also there is an asp.net core web api . It is working same server. But when ı try to request ım getting this error on browser: GEThttp://localhost:5000/apinet::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED....
对此非常新,但是我正在尝试测试一个小型应用,该应用向本地服务器http:// localhost:3000 / golfpool-standings上的快速端点执行GET请求,并使用返回的JSON在html表中显示数据但是当我尝试在脚本中使用时,无法加载资源:net :: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED我正在实时服务器http://上进行...
GET ... net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED如何解决? 前端代码 后端代码(放置在虚拟机Ubuntu上) 当前已执行“node server.js”命令 运行报错 该如何解决?
net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED? code:-102 error_msg:net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED ? wx.request返回-102:net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED? request:fail -102:net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED 报错? 小程序使用webview显示net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED,问题怎么产生呢? 相关文档 Document.get:: 小程序/开发/云托管/开发...
I’ve been able to have the front end of my website successfully load however the backend with the HTTP requests are not working. I keep getting a'GET http://localhost:5000/user net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED'error. I’m using React for the frontend and Node for the...
这个报错是什么问题啊 GET http://localhost:8080/__webpack_hmr net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED壹凡网络 2019-11-29 21:11:00 源自:2-1 作用域(1) 2676 分享 收起 1回答 提问者 壹凡网络 2019-11-29 21:38:05 caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run next command `npm update` 0 回复 快乐动...
apt-get "Connection refused" 问题解决 sudo apt-get install dvbsnoop 得到如下错误: Err http://ubuntu.srt.cn karmic/universe dvbsnoop 1.4.50-2 Could not connect to ubuntu.srt.cn:81 ( - connect (111: Connection refused)...
在Linux系统上配置环境时,我遇到了一个让人头疼的问题。在尝试在Tx2上安装C++依赖库时,更新命令报错:"Err:Could not connect to XXX(Connection refused)"。起初,我参照网上普遍的方法,检查是否设置了代理。按照建议尝试解除代理设置,但问题并未解决。进一步查找,了解到可能存在下载源配置不当的问题...
t=1580200999862 net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED In sockjs.js : try { self.xhr.send(payload); } catch (e) { self.emit('finish', 0, ''); self._cleanup(false); } this is my /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf : server { listen 443 ssl http2 default_server; server_name ggc.world www...
sockjs.js:1603 GET http://localhost/sockjs-node/info?t=1685340190468 net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED vue项目报错 不影响运行,但控制台看到这报错,属实不舒服 解决方法: 进入\node_modules\sockjs-client\dist\sockjs.js 注释1603行 刷新页面,没报错了