如果沒有參數,Get-Command則會取得計算機上安裝的所有 Cmdlet、函式和別名。Get-Command *會取得所有類型的命令,包括Path環境變數 ($env:PATH) 中的所有非 PowerShell 檔案,它會列在 Application 命令類型中。 Get-Command會使用命令的確切名稱,而不使用通配符,會自動匯入包含命令的模組,以便您立即使用 命令。 若要...
adding custom x-headers to e-mails using the send-mailmessage powershell Adding headers to a new file or csv adding image to HTML-Email body Adding manager attribute fails Adding new sheets to Excel workbook Adding Objects to an Array with additional properties Adding quotes to variable's val...
Home 属性值是可选的,但对于 FileSystem 提供程序,它被定义为 $env:HOMEDRIVE\$env:HOMEPATH 或$HOME。参数-PSProvider指定此 cmdlet 要检索其信息的 PowerShell 提供程序的名称。 展开表 类型: String[] Position: 0 默认值: None 必需: False 接受管道输入: True 接受通配符: False...
Windows Command Shell 中的 dir 命令显示文件系统交接点的目标位置。 在 PowerShell 中,此信息可从 Get-ChildItem 返回的文件系统对象的 LinkTarget 属性中获取,并显示在默认输出中。PowerShell 复制 PS D:\> New-Item -ItemType Junction -Name tmp -Target $env:TEMP PS D:\> Get-ChildItem | Select-...
Windows PowerShell Index -contains operator vs .contains() method -ea operator -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue parameter is not being respected & $error variable not updated -ExpandProperty & Export CSV !!! powershell script to add a word in the beginning of the text file - URGENT !!! 'A posi...
PowerShell:Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_DiskDrive | Select-Object -Property Model 获取操作系统信息: WMIC:wmic os get caption PowerShell:Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_OperatingSystem | Select-Object -Property Caption 总结 随着WMIC的弃用,Get-CimInstance和Get-WmiObject成为了在PowerShell中进行WMI查询...
The IgnoreDefaultScope switch tells the command to ignore the default recipient scope setting for the Exchange PowerShell session, and to use the entire forest as the scope. You don't need to specify a value with this switch. This switch enables the command to access Active Directory objects ...
Summary: Learn how to get the number of processor cores via WMI and Windows PowerShell. Hey, Scripting Guy! I need to perform an audit of computers on our network. Specifically, I am tasked with obtaining CPU information. I need the processor speed, number of cores, and number of logical...
\>dir $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\PowerShellGetPS T:\>[environment]::OSVersionPlatform ServicePack Version VersionString --- --- --- --- Win32NT Service Pack 1 6.1.7601.65536 Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 PS T:\>$PSVersionTableName Value --- --- PS...
$env:username Output: DelftStack .NET Environment Class The Environment class does have a Username field, which has the same value as the $env variable: the present user’s username. Execute the PowerShell command below to obtain the value of the username field. [System.Environment]::UserN...