//按 name 特性查找let form = document.getElementsByName('my-form')[0];//在 form 中按 class 查找let articles = form.getElementsByClassName('article'); alert(articles.length);//2, found two elements with class "article" 实时的集合 所有的"getElementsBy*"方法都会返回一个实时的(live)集合。...
element node : the html's tags, like and so on; text node : just like the contents of =>"XXXXXXX", it is often included in element node, but not every element node has text node; attribute node : description of elements, like almost every element node has an attribute node "tit...
Access DOM Elements by Using Class Names We can assign class names to different DOM elements by using the class attribute. A single element can have multiple space-separated classes. Two or more different DOM elements can also have the same class applied to them. The classes you assign will...
Which attribute are you trying to fetch the value of? [Asking smart questions] [About Bear] [Books by Bear]His brain is the size of a cherry pit! About the size of this ad: Gift giving made easy with the permaculture playing cards https://coderanch.com/t/777758/Gift-giving-easy-per...
Javascript 发送 GET/POST 请求 捯饬博客时候需要在前端向服务器根据现场情况申请数据,就用到了 JS 发送网页请求的技术。 JS 有多重方式可以实现发送 网页请求的功能,我这里记录最方便简单的 —— 基于JQuery和 form 的GET/POST数据提交。 JQuery JQuery是一个快速、简洁的JavaScript框架。
That's all for getting DOM elements using JavaScript. We have learned about many different methods to access the DOM elements: using the id attribute, HTML tag name, name attribute, class attribute, and CSS selectors. We also discussed ways to iterate over the generic collection of elements ...
Documentreference for other methods and properties you can use to get references to elements in the document. Document.querySelector()for selectors via queries like'div.myclass' Document.evaluate()- has a utility method for selecting byxml:idinXMLdocuments...
演示 单击我进行编辑 body部分 单击我进行编辑 JS var titleEditing = false function edit(element...
html() - Sets or returns the content of selected elements (including HTML markup) val() - Sets or returns the value of form fieldsThe following example demonstrates how to get content with the jQuery text() and html() methods:Example $("#btn1").click(function(){ alert("Text: " + $...
document.getElementsByTagName() 语法 复制代码 var elements = document.getElementsByTagName(name); (1)如果要对HTMLCollection集合进行循环操作,最好将其长度缓存起来,因为每次循环都会去计算长度,暂时缓存起来可以提高效率(2)如果没有存在指定的标签,该接口返回的不是null,而是一个空的HTMLCollection(3)name是一个...