我所做的就是使用document.getElementByID("tableBody")从我的html代码中获取tbody标记,并尝试使用javascript添加一些行。但是每当我尝试设置tbody标记的innerHTML属性时,它都会显示这个错误。 index2.js:38 Uncaught TypeError: ...
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions 93 src/__tests__/element-queries.js Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -168,6 +168,16 @@ test('can get form controls by label text', () => { <label id="fifth-label-two">5th two</label> <input aria-labelledby...
This function returns some of the standard attributes of an HTML element (for example, id, name, required, placeholder, aria-error-attributes, class) which is used if a HTML input/select/textarea/... tag is generated to get a consistent set of attributes. Syntax APEX_PLUGIN_UTIL.GET_ELEM...
我很惊讶地看到我的代码,他们突然停止返回的返回价值document.getElementById('email').value并返回空字符串。 元素正确加载: 即使在TextBox中输入值,元素值也即将到来的空字符串: 我不明白我检查了冗余链接或文件,并在HTML中尝试了不同的元素,但没有运气。 请帮忙。 这是JavaScript代码 varflagforvalidforPhone ...
find_element_by_partial_link_text find_element_by_tag_name find_element_by_class_name find_element_by_css_selector 以淘宝作为示例,下面是淘宝输入框的html代码 <input id="q" name="q" aria-label="请输入搜索文字" accesskey="s" autofocus="autofocus" autocomplete="off" class="search-combobox-...
Here's what the accessibility tab says about this element: Based on this, I should be able to select that checkbox with the query: screen.getByLabelText('allow up to 0 words in between') I believe that will not work right now, and that's what we should fix. Does that help? Member...
BUTTONELEMENT.index (Windows) IMediaTransform Interface CreateTransformProperties Function ITransformProperty::get_Name Submenu1ButtonText Element ToMainTransition Element ITransformProperty::get_Type ITransformProperty::AddPoint IGameStatistics::GetMaxNameLength Method STACKEDBY Argument (Windows) Drag-and-Dro...
ValueType element (Windows) Warn element (Windows) IDCompositionRotateTransform::SetCenterY methods (Windows) ULongPtrToLongLong function (Windows) IAccessibilityDockingServiceCallback interface (Windows) LSA_SID_NAME_MAPPING_OPERATION_ERROR enumeration (Windows) ARIA Tabindex Error (Windows) Required eleme...
<label>{label}</label> <input {...register(label, { required })} /> </> ) // you can use React.forwardRef to pass the ref too const Select = React.forwardRef< HTMLSelectElement, { label: string } & ReturnType<UseFormRegister<IFormValues>> >(({ onChange, onBlur, name, label ...