Docker Desktop for Linux Install instructions Once it's installed, complete the setup process and you're all set to run a Docker container. Try it out In this hands-on guide, you will see how to run a Docker container using Docker Desktop. ...
正常来说,因为docker for Windows内置了Kubernetes,如果我们要启用Kubernetes功能,只需要右键docker ,点击settings, 按理说,这里只要选中选项,直接apply就可以了,docker会自动从DockerHub中寻找匹配的镜像并下载,但是,特别注意一定不要先操作这一步。如果你真的这么做了,那么可能会出现这种情况,注意啦! 界面会一直卡在这...
How many machines can I get support for Docker Desktop on? As a Pro user you can get support for Docker Desktop on a single machine. As a Team, you can get support for Docker Desktop for the number of machines equal to the number of seats as part of your plan. ...
确认Docker Desktop 已正确安装并启动: 打开Docker Desktop,检查它是否正常运行。你可以在系统托盘(任务栏右侧)找到 Docker 图标,右键点击它,选择 "About Docker Desktop" 来查看状态和版本信息。 尝试重启 Docker Desktop: 有时候,简单地重启 Docker Desktop 可以解决一些临时的网络或服务问题。 查看Docker Desktop ...
install docker desktop with admin rights install docker desktop with the entire firewall turned off I’m on the only account at this machine. I’m using Windows 10 Home (v10.0.19045 Build). Virtualization is enabled. Here is what the log shows when I run the docker diagnosis tool: ...
Hi, been at this a few days now. I upgraded to Ubuntu 24.04. I tried installing Docker Desktop and that would not run. No errors, just hangs. Many many cleans and reinstalls later. Even docker hello-world wont run. Th…
打开Docker Desktop应用程序。 在任务栏右侧找到Docker图标,右键点击,选择"Settings"。 在Settings面板中,选择"Daemon"选项卡。 在Registry mirrors一栏中,点击"+ Add"按钮。 在弹出的对话框中,输入一个可用的镜像源地址,例如` 第三步:重启Docker服务 修改完镜像源后,我们需要重启Docker服务以使修改生效。
Get started with Docker Desktop and join millions of developers in faster, more secure app development using containers and beyond.
Get started with Docker Desktop and join millions of developers in faster, more secure app development using containers and beyond.
Docker Desktop for Windows A native Windows application that delivers all Docker tools to your Windows computer. Docker Desktop for Linux A native Linux application that delivers all Docker tools to your Linux computer. Note If you're looking for information on how to install Docker Engine, seeDo...